Eliot Bolduc
Eliot Bolduc
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na hw.ac.uk
Exact solution to simultaneous intensity and phase encryption with a single phase-only hologram
E Bolduc, N Bent, E Santamato, E Karimi, RW Boyd
Optics letters 38 (18), 3546-3549, 2013
Full characterization of polarization states of light via direct measurement
JZ Salvail, M Agnew, AS Johnson, E Bolduc, J Leach, RW Boyd
Nature Photonics 7 (4), 316-321, 2013
Coherent perfect absorption in deeply subwavelength films in the single-photon regime
T Roger, S Vezzoli, E Bolduc, J Valente, JJF Heitz, J Jeffers, C Soci, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7031, 2015
Attosecond-resolution hong-ou-mandel interferometry
A Lyons, GC Knee, E Bolduc, T Roger, J Leach, EM Gauger, D Faccio
Science advances 4 (5), eaap9416, 2018
Exploring the quantum nature of the radial degree of freedom of a photon via Hong-Ou-Mandel interference
E Karimi, D Giovannini, E Bolduc, N Bent, FM Miatto, MJ Padgett, ...
Physical Review A 89 (1), 013829, 2014
Secure information capacity of photons entangled in many dimensions
J Leach, E Bolduc, DJ Gauthier, RW Boyd
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (6), 060304, 2012
Quantum process tomography via completely positive and trace-preserving projection
GC Knee, E Bolduc, J Leach, EM Gauger
Physical Review A 98 (6), 062336, 2018
Projected gradient descent algorithms for quantum state tomography
E Bolduc, GC Knee, EM Gauger, J Leach
npj Quantum Information 3 (1), 44, 2017
Direct measurement of large-scale quantum states via expectation values of non-Hermitian matrices
E Bolduc, G Gariepy, J Leach
Nature communications 7 (1), 10439, 2016
Fair sampling perspective on an apparent violation of duality
E Bolduc, J Leach, FM Miatto, G Leuchs, RW Boyd
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (34), 12337-12341, 2014
Discriminating single-photon states unambiguously in high dimensions
M Agnew, E Bolduc, KJ Resch, S Franke-Arnold, J Leach
Physical Review Letters 113 (2), 020501, 2014
Acquisition of multiple photon pairs with an EMCCD camera
E Bolduc, D Faccio, J Leach
Journal of Optics 19 (5), 054006, 2017
The duality principle in the presence of postselection
J Leach, E Bolduc, FM Miatto, K Piché, G Leuchs, RW Boyd
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 19944, 2016
Maximum-likelihood quantum process tomography via projected gradient descent
GC Knee, E Bolduc, J Leach, EM Gauger
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.10062, 2018
Experimental investigation of popper’s proposed ghost-diffraction experiment
E Bolduc, E Karimi, K Piché, J Leach, RW Boyd
Journal of Optics 19 (10), 104002, 2017
The secure information capacity of photons entangled in high dimensions
E Bolduc, J Leach, D Gauthier, RW Boyd
Frontiers in Optics, FTh4B. 7, 2012
Video-rate denoising of low-light-level images acquired with a SPAD camera
E Bolduc, M Agnew, J Leach
2016 Photonics North (PN), 1-1, 2016
How to achieve high visibility and high which-way information in a single experiment
E Bolduc, J Leach, F Miatto, G Leuchs, R Boyd
Physics of Quantum Electronics, 2013
The secure information capacity of photons entangled in high dimensions
J Leach, E Bolduc, DJ Gauthier, RW Boyd
Phys. Rev. A 85, 060304, 0
A journey into the world of inverse problems in quantum mechanics
E Bolduc
Heriot-Watt University, 2018
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