Soraya Perez Nombela
Soraya Perez Nombela
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uclm.es
Control of an ambulatory exoskeleton with a brain–machine interface for spinal cord injury gait rehabilitation
E López-Larraz, F Trincado-Alonso, V Rajasekaran, S Pérez-Nombela, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 10, 359, 2016
Upper limb rehabilitation after spinal cord injury: a treatment based on a data glove and an immersive virtual reality environment
I Dimbwadyo-Terrer, F Trincado-Alonso, A de Los Reyes-Guzmán, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 11 (6), 462-467, 2016
Modular control of gait after incomplete spinal cord injury: differences between sides
S Pérez-Nombela, F Barroso, D Torricelli, A de Los Reyes-Guzmán, ...
Spinal Cord 55 (1), 79-86, 2017
Upper limb joint kinetics during manual wheelchair propulsion in patients with different levels of spinal cord injury
A Gil-Agudo, A Del Ama-Espinosa, E Pérez-Rizo, S Pérez-Nombela, ...
Journal of biomechanics 43 (13), 2508-2515, 2010
Shoulder joint kinetics during wheelchair propulsion on a treadmill at two different speeds in spinal cord injury patients
A Gil-Agudo, D Ama-Espinosa, E Pérez-Rizo, S Pérez-Nombela, ...
Spinal cord 48 (4), 290-296, 2010
Hybrid therapy of walking with Kinesis overground robot for persons with incomplete spinal cord injury: A feasibility study
AJ Del-Ama, Á Gil-Agudo, E Bravo-Esteban, S Pérez-Nombela, JL Pons, ...
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 73, 44-58, 2015
Gait kinematic analysis in patients with a mild form of central cord syndrome
A Gil-Agudo, S Pérez-Nombela, A Forner-Cordero, E Pérez-Rizo, ...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 8, 1-10, 2011
Comparative biomechanical gait analysis of patients with central cord syndrome walking with one crutch and two crutches
A Gil-Agudo, E Pérez-Rizo, A Del Ama-Espinosa, B Crespo-Ruiz, ...
Clinical Biomechanics 24 (7), 551-557, 2009
A pilot study of brain-triggered electrical stimulation with visual feedback in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury
F Trincado-Alonso, E Lopez-Larraz, F Resquin, A Ardanza, ...
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 38, 790-803, 2018
Comparative biomechanical analysis of gait in patients with central cord and Brown-Sequard syndrome
A Gil-Agudo, S Pérez-Nombela, E Pérez-Rizo, A del Ama-Espinosa, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation 35 (22), 1869-1876, 2013
Comparative ergonomic assessment of manual wheelchairs by paraplegic users
A Gil-Agudo, M Solís-Mozos, AJ Del-Ama, B Crespo-Ruiz, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 8 (4), 305-313, 2013
Application of a model to analyze shoulder biomechanics in adult patients with spinal cord injury when walking with crutches in two different gait patterns
E Perez-Rizo, F Trincado-Alonso, S Pérez-Nombela, A del Ama-Espinosa, ...
NeuroRehabilitation 40 (1), 129-140, 2017
Novel kinematic indices for quantifying movement agility and smoothness after cervical Spinal Cord Injury
A De los Reyes-Guzmán, I Dimbwadyo-Terrer, S Pérez-Nombela, ...
NeuroRehabilitation 38 (2), 199-209, 2016
Análisis biomecánico de la marcha en población pediátrica con lesión medular. Revisión de la casuística de una unidad de biomecánica hospitalaria
S Pérez-de la Cruz, S Pérez-Nombela, E Pérez-Rizo, PR Pérez, ...
Revista iberoamericana de fisioterapia y kinesiología 14 (1), 3-8, 2011
Evaluación de la distribución de las presiones de apoyo en la interfaz usuario-cojín para determinar la presión de inflado de los cojines de aire
A Gil-Agudo, AI de La Peña-González, A del Ama-Espinosa, E Pérez-Rizo, ...
Rehabilitación 44 (1), 32-39, 2010
Aplicación del análisis tridimensional de la marcha en pacientes con síndrome centromedular
Á Gil-Agudo, A Forner-Cordero, S Pérez-Nombela, E Pérez-Rizo, ...
Rehabilitación 45 (1), 9-17, 2011
Determinación del consumo energético de la marcha en personas con alteraciones neurológicas. Revisión de los protocolos empleados
M Solís-Mozos, Á Gil-Agudo, S Pérez-Nombela, B Crespo-Ruiz
Rehabilitación 44 (4), 359-363, 2010
Mechanical and physiological assessment of pressure ulcer-preventing cushions in a population with spinal cord injury
B Crespo-Ruiz, A De la Peña-González, S Pérez-Nombela, A Gil-Agudo
Rehabilitation: Mobility, Exercise and Sports, 36-38, 2010
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