Himadri Shekhar Dhar
Himadri Shekhar Dhar
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Measuring Quantum Coherence with Entanglement
A Streltsov, U Singh, HS Dhar, MN Bera, G Adesso
Physical Review Letters 115 (2), 020403, 2015
Maximally coherent mixed states: Complementarity between maximal coherence and mixedness
U Singh, MN Bera, HS Dhar, AK Pati
Physical Review A 91 (5), 052115, 2015
Characterizing non-Markovianity via quantum interferometric power
HS Dhar, MN Bera, G Adesso
Physical Review A 91 (3), 032115, 2015
Monogamy of quantum correlations-a review
HS Dhar, AK Pal, D Rakshit, A Sen, U Sen
Lectures on General Quantum Correlations and their Applications, 23-64, 2017
Gaussian interferometric power as a measure of continuous variable non-Markovianity
LAM Souza, HS Dhar, MN Bera, P Liuzzo-Scorpo, G Adesso
Physical Review A 92 (5), 052122, 2015
Entanglement in resonating valence bond states: ladder versus isotropic lattices
HS Dhar, AS De
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (46), 465302, 2011
Characterizing Genuine Multisite Entanglement in Isotropic Spin Lattices
HS Dhar, AS De, U Sen
Phys. Rev. Lett 111 (070501), 26, 2013
Variational Renormalization Group for Dissipative Spin-Cavity Systems: Periodic Pulses of Nonclassical Photons from Mesoscopic Spin Ensembles
HS Dhar, M Zens, DO Krimer, S Rotter
Physical Review Letters 121 (13), 133601, 2018
Non-stationary Statistics and Formation Jitter in Transient Photon Condensation
BT Walker, JD Rodrigues, HS Dhar, RF Oulton, F Mintert, RA Nyman
Nature Communications 11, 1390, 2020
Noncritical Slowing Down of Photonic Condensation
BT Walker, HJ Hesten, HS Dhar, RA Nyman, F Mintert
Physical Review Letters 123 (20), 203602, 2019
Generating continuous variable entangled states for quantum teleportation using a superposition of number-conserving operations
HS Dhar, A Chatterjee, R Ghosh
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48 (18), 185502, 2015
Nonclassical properties of states engineered by superpositions of quantum operations on classical states
A Chatterjee, HS Dhar, R Ghosh
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (20), 205501, 2012
Quantum discord surge heralds entanglement revival in an infinite spin chain
HS Dhar, R Ghosh, AS De, U Sen
Europhysics Letters 98 (3), 30013, 2012
Effects of cavity–cavity interaction on the entanglement dynamics of a generalized double Jaynes–Cummings model
M Pandit, S Das, SS Roy, HS Dhar, U Sen
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51 (4), 045501, 2018
The density matrix recursion method: genuine multisite entanglement distinguishes odd from even quantum spin ladder states
HS Dhar, A Sen, U Sen
New Journal of Physics 15 (1), 013043, 2013
Controllable quantum correlations of two-photon states generated using classically driven three-level atoms
HS Dhar, S Banerjee, A Chatterjee, R Ghosh
Annals of Physics 331, 97-109, 2013
Detecting phase boundaries of quantum spin-1/2 XXZ ladder via bipartite and multipartite entanglement transitions
SS Roy, HS Dhar, D Rakshit, AS De, U Sen
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 444, 227-235, 2017
Forbidden regimes in the distribution of bipartite quantum correlations due to multiparty entanglement
A Kumar, HS Dhar, R Prabhu, AS De, U Sen
Physics Letters A 381 (20), 1701-1709, 2017
Diverging scaling with converging multisite entanglement in odd and even quantum Heisenberg ladders
SS Roy, HS Dhar, D Rakshit, A Sen(De), U Sen
New Journal of Physics 18, 023025, 2016
Bose-Einstein condensation of light in a semiconductor quantum well microcavity
RC Schofield, M Fu, E Clarke, I Farrer, A Trapalis, HS Dhar, R Mukherjee, ...
Nature Photonics 18, 1083, 2024
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