Giacomo Ghiringhelli
Giacomo Ghiringhelli
Physics Department, Politecnico di Milano
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na polimi.it
Long-range incommensurate charge fluctuations in (Y, Nd) Ba2Cu3O6+ x
G Ghiringhelli, M Le Tacon, M Minola, S Blanco-Canosa, C Mazzoli, ...
Science 337 (6096), 821-825, 2012
Intense paramagnon excitations in a large family of high-temperature superconductors
M Le Tacon, G Ghiringhelli, J Chaloupka, MM Sala, V Hinkov, ...
Nature Physics 7 (9), 725-730, 2011
Orbital Reconstruction and the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas at the Interface
M Salluzzo, JC Cezar, NB Brookes, V Bisogni, GM De Luca, C Richter, ...
Physical review letters 102 (16), 166804, 2009
Evidence of Orbital Reconstruction at Interfaces in Ultrathin Films
A Tebano, C Aruta, S Sanna, PG Medaglia, G Balestrino, AA Sidorenko, ...
Physical Review Letters 100 (13), 137401, 2008
Charge order and its connection with Fermi-liquid charge transport in a pristine high-Tc cuprate
W Tabis, Y Li, ML Tacon, L Braicovich, A Kreyssig, M Minola, G Dellea, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5875, 2014
Distinct Charge Orders in the Planes and Chains of Ortho-III-Ordered Superconductors Identified by Resonant Elastic X-ray Scattering
AJ Achkar, R Sutarto, X Mao, F He, A Frano, S Blanco-Canosa, ...
Physical review letters 109 (16), 167001, 2012
SAXES, a high resolution spectrometer for resonant x-ray emission in the 400–1600eV energy range
G Ghiringhelli, A Piazzalunga, C Dallera, G Trezzi, L Braicovich, T Schmitt, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 77 (11), 2006
Magnetic Excitations and Phase Separation in the Underdoped Superconductor Measured by Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering
L Braicovich, J Van Den Brink, V Bisogni, MM Sala, LJP Ament, ...
Physical review letters 104 (7), 077002, 2010
Inelastic X-ray scattering in YBa2Cu3O6.6 reveals giant phonon anomalies and elastic central peak due to charge-density-wave formation
M Le Tacon, A Bosak, SM Souliou, G Dellea, T Loew, R Heid, KP Bohnen, ...
Nature Physics 10 (1), 52-58, 2014
Persistence of magnetic excitations in La2−xSrxCuO4 from the undoped insulator to the heavily overdoped non-superconducting metal
MPM Dean, G Dellea, RS Springell, F Yakhou-Harris, K Kummer, ...
Nature materials 12 (11), 1019-1023, 2013
Exchange splitting and charge carrier spin polarization in EuO
PG Steeneken, LH Tjeng, I Elfimov, GA Sawatzky, G Ghiringhelli, ...
Physical review letters 88 (4), 047201, 2002
Spin-Orbit Coupling in the Mott Insulator
T Mizokawa, LH Tjeng, GA Sawatzky, G Ghiringhelli, O Tjernberg, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (7), 077202, 2001
Origin of Interface Magnetism in and Heterostructures
M Salluzzo, S Gariglio, D Stornaiuolo, V Sessi, S Rusponi, C Piamonteze, ...
Physical review letters 111 (8), 087204, 2013
Dispersion of Magnetic Excitations in the Cuprate and Compounds Measured Using Resonant X-Ray Scattering
L Braicovich, LJP Ament, V Bisogni, F Forte, C Aruta, G Balestrino, ...
Physical review letters 102 (16), 167401, 2009
Momentum-Dependent Charge Correlations in Superconductors Probed <?format ?>by Resonant X-Ray Scattering: Evidence for Three Competing …
S Blanco-Canosa, A Frano, T Loew, Y Lu, J Porras, G Ghiringhelli, ...
Physical review letters 110 (18), 187001, 2013
Dynamical charge density fluctuations pervading the phase diagram of a Cu-based high-Tc superconductor
R Arpaia, S Caprara, R Fumagalli, G De Vecchi, YY Peng, E Andersson, ...
Science 365 (6456), 906-910, 2019
Theoretical demonstration of how the dispersion of magnetic excitations in cuprate compounds can be determined using resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
LJP Ament, G Ghiringhelli, MM Sala, L Braicovich, J van den Brink
Physical review letters 103 (11), 117003, 2009
Energy and symmetry of dd excitations in undoped layered cuprates measured by Cu L3 resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
MM Sala, V Bisogni, C Aruta, G Balestrino, H Berger, NB Brookes, ...
New Journal of Physics 13 (4), 043026, 2011
Strain induced x-ray absorption linear dichroism in thin films
C Aruta, G Ghiringhelli, A Tebano, NG Boggio, NB Brookes, PG Medaglia, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (23), 235121, 2006
Tunable spin polarization and superconductivity in engineered oxide interfaces
D Stornaiuolo, C Cantoni, GM De Luca, R Di Capua, E Di. Gennaro, ...
Nature materials 15 (3), 278-283, 2016
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