Rajmohan Rajaraman
Rajmohan Rajaraman
Professor of Computer Science, Northeastern University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na ccs.neu.edu
Accessing nearby copies of replicated objects in a distributed environment
CG Plaxton, R Rajaraman, AW Richa
Proceedings of the ninth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and …, 1997
Analysis of a local search heuristic for facility location problems
MR Korupolu, CG Plaxton, R Rajaraman
Journal of algorithms 37 (1), 146-188, 2000
Topology control and routing in ad hoc networks: A survey
R Rajaraman
ACM SIGACT News 33 (2), 60-73, 2002
Near-optimal hardness results and approximation algorithms for edge-disjoint paths and related problems
V Guruswami, S Khanna, R Rajaraman, B Shepherd, M Yannakakis
Proceedings of the thirty-first Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing …, 1999
Mobility models for ad hoc network simulation
G Lin, G Noubir, R Rajaraman
IEEE INFOCOM 2004 1, 2004
Performance of IEEE 802.11 under jamming
E Bayraktaroglu, C King, X Liu, G Noubir, R Rajaraman, B Thapa
Mobile Networks and Applications 18 (5), 678-696, 2013
An efficient distributed algorithm for constructing small dominating sets
L Jia, R Rajaraman, T Suel
Distributed Computing 15 (4), 193-205, 2002
Approximation algorithms for data placement problems
I Baev, R Rajaraman, C Swamy
SIAM Journal on Computing 38 (4), 1411-1429, 2008
Placement algorithms for hierarchical cooperative caching
MR Korupolu, CG Plaxton, R Rajaraman
Journal of Algorithms 38 (1), 260-302, 2001
Multi-query optimization for sensor networks
N Trigoni, Y Yao, A Demers, J Gehrke, R Rajaraman
International conference on distributed computing in sensor systems, 307-321, 2005
Approximation algorithms for data placement in arbitrary networks
ID Baev, R Rajaraman
Proceedings of the twelfth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms …, 2001
The cougar project: a work-in-progress report
A Demers, J Gehrke, R Rajaraman, N Trigoni, Y Yao
ACM Sigmod Record 32 (4), 53-59, 2003
A better method to analyze blockchain consistency
L Kiffer, R Rajaraman, A Shelat
Proceedings of the 2018 acm sigsac conference on computer and communications …, 2018
A dynamic object replication and migration protocol for an internet hosting service
M Rabinovich, I Rabinovich, R Rajaraman, A Aggarwal
Proceedings. 19th IEEE international conference on distributed computing …, 1999
Online scheduling to minimize average stretch
S Muthukrishnan, R Rajaraman, A Shaheen, JE Gehrke
40th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (Cat. No. 99CB37039 …, 1999
Universal approximations for TSP, Steiner tree, and set cover
L Jia, G Lin, G Noubir, R Rajaraman, R Sundaram
Proceedings of the thirty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of …, 2005
Optimal clustering for delay minimization
R Rajaraman, DF Wong
Proceedings of the 30th international Design Automation Conference, 309-314, 1993
Wavescheduling: Energy-efficient data dissemination for sensor networks
N Trigoni, Y Yao, A Demers, J Gehrke, R Rajaraman
Proceeedings of the 1st international workshop on Data management for sensor …, 2004
On the robustness of IEEE 802.11 rate adaptation algorithms against smart jamming
G Noubir, R Rajaraman, B Sheng, B Thapa
Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Wireless network security, 97-108, 2011
On the complexity of information spreading in dynamic networks
C Dutta, G Pandurangan, R Rajaraman, Z Sun, E Viola
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2013
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