News media trust and its impact on media use: Toward a framework for future research J Strömbäck, Y Tsfati, H Boomgaarden, A Damstra, E Lindgren, ... Annals of the International Communication Association 44 (2), 139-156, 2020 | 614 | 2020 |
Power to the frame: Bringing sociology back to frame analysis R Vliegenthart, L Van Zoonen European journal of communication 26 (2), 101-115, 2011 | 606 | 2011 |
Explaining the rise of anti-immigrant parties: The role of news media content HG Boomgaarden, R Vliegenthart Electoral studies 26 (2), 404-417, 2007 | 598 | 2007 |
Comparative research methods F Esser, R Vliegenthart The international encyclopedia of communication research methods, 1-22, 2017 | 561 | 2017 |
How news content influences anti‐immigration attitudes: Germany, 1993–2005 HG Boomgaarden, R Vliegenthart European Journal of Political Research 48 (4), 516-542, 2009 | 550 | 2009 |
Causes and consequences of mainstream media dissemination of fake news: literature review and synthesis Y Tsfati, HG Boomgaarden, J Strömbäck, R Vliegenthart, A Damstra, ... Annals of the International Communication Association 44 (2), 157-173, 2020 | 406 | 2020 |
Getting closer: The effects of personalized and interactive online political communication S Kruikemeier, G Van Noort, R Vliegenthart, CH De Vreese European journal of communication 28 (1), 53-66, 2013 | 342 | 2013 |
The framing perspective on social movements: Its conceptual roots and architecture DA Snow, R Vliegenthart, P Ketelaars The Wiley Blackwell companion to social movements, 392-410, 2018 | 341 | 2018 |
Framing the French riots: A comparative study of frame variation DA Snow, R Vliegenthart, C Corrigall-Brown Social forces 86 (2), 385-415, 2007 | 341 | 2007 |
The contingency of intermedia agenda setting: A longitudinal study in Belgium R Vliegenthart, S Walgrave Journalism & mass communication quarterly 85 (4), 860-877, 2008 | 338 | 2008 |
Effects of election news coverage: How visibility and tone influence party choice DN Hopmann, R Vliegenthart, C De Vreese, E Albæk Political communication 27 (4), 389-405, 2010 | 312 | 2010 |
Framing immigration and integration: Relationships between press and parliament in the Netherlands R Vliegenthart, C Roggeband International Communication Gazette 69 (3), 295-319, 2007 | 296 | 2007 |
News coverage and support for European integration, 1990–2006 R Vliegenthart, ART Schuck, HG Boomgaarden, CH De Vreese International Journal of Public Opinion Research 20 (4), 415-439, 2008 | 287 | 2008 |
The mediating role of emotions: News framing effects on opinions about immigration S Lecheler, L Bos, R Vliegenthart Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 92 (4), 812-838, 2015 | 278 | 2015 |
Divergent framing: The public debate on migration in the Dutch parliament and media, 1995–2004 C Roggeband, R Vliegenthart West European Politics 30 (3), 524-548, 2007 | 268 | 2007 |
Real world is not enough: The media as an additional source of negative attitudes toward immigration, comparing Denmark and the Netherlands M Van Klingeren, HG Boomgaarden, R Vliegenthart, CH De Vreese European Sociological Review 31 (3), 268-283, 2015 | 257 | 2015 |
Party media agenda-setting: How parties influence election news coverage DN Hopmann, C Elmelund-Præstekær, E Albæk, R Vliegenthart, ... Party Politics 18 (2), 173-191, 2012 | 240 | 2012 |
Getting the word out on Twitter: The role of influentials, information brokers and strong ties in building word-of-mouth for brands T Araujo, P Neijens, R Vliegenthart International Journal of Advertising 36 (3), 496-513, 2017 | 235 | 2017 |
Understanding the consequences of public social media use for work W Van Zoonen, JWM Verhoeven, R Vliegenthart European Management Journal 35 (5), 595-605, 2017 | 227 | 2017 |
Changes in political news coverage: Personalization, conflict and negativity in British and Dutch newspapers R Vliegenthart, HG Boomgaarden, JW Boumans Political communication in postmodern democracy: Challenging the primacy of …, 2011 | 216 | 2011 |