Kinter, James
Kinter, James
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na gmu.edu - Domača stran
A simplified biosphere model for global climate studies
Y Xue, PJ Sellers, JL Kinter, J Shukla
Journal of climate 4 (3), 345-364, 1991
The North American multimodel ensemble: phase-1 seasonal-to-interannual prediction; phase-2 toward developing intraseasonal prediction
BP Kirtman, D Min, JM Infanti, JL Kinter III, DA Paolino, Q Zhang, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (4), 585-601, 2014
Current status of ENSO prediction skill in coupled ocean–atmosphere models
EK Jin, JL Kinter, B Wang, CK Park, IS Kang, BP Kirtman, JS Kug, ...
Climate Dynamics 31, 647-664, 2008
Advance and prospectus of seasonal prediction: assessment of the APCC/CliPAS 14-model ensemble retrospective seasonal prediction (1980–2004)
B Wang, JY Lee, IS Kang, J Shukla, CK Park, A Kumar, J Schemm, ...
Climate Dynamics 33, 93-117, 2009
Effects of implementing the simple biosphere model in a general circulation model
N Sato, PJ Sellers, DA Randall, EK Schneider, J Shukla, JL Kinter III, ...
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 46 (18), 2757-2782, 1989
North American climate in CMIP5 experiments: Part III: Assessment of twenty-first-century projections
ED Maloney, SJ Camargo, E Chang, B Colle, R Fu, KL Geil, Q Hu, X Jiang, ...
Journal of Climate 27 (6), 2230-2270, 2014
North American climate in CMIP5 experiments. Part I: Evaluation of historical simulations of continental and regional climatology
J Sheffield, AP Barrett, B Colle, D Nelun Fernando, R Fu, KL Geil, Q Hu, ...
Journal of Climate 26 (23), 9209-9245, 2013
Impact of ocean model resolution on CCSM climate simulations
BP Kirtman, C Bitz, F Bryan, W Collins, J Dennis, N Hearn, JL Kinter, ...
Climate dynamics 39, 1303-1328, 2012
High-resolution global climate simulations with the ECMWF model in Project Athena: Experimental design, model climate, and seasonal forecast skill
T Jung, MJ Miller, TN Palmer, P Towers, N Wedi, D Achuthavarier, ...
Journal of Climate 25 (9), 3155-3172, 2012
Interannual variability in the tropical Indian Ocean
B Huang, JL Kinter III
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 107 (C11), 20-1-20-26, 2002
Simulating the diurnal cycle of rainfall in global climate models: Resolution versus parameterization
PA Dirmeyer, BA Cash, JL Kinter, T Jung, L Marx, M Satoh, C Stan, ...
Climate dynamics 39, 399-418, 2012
Evaluation of temperature and precipitation trends and long-term persistence in CMIP5 twentieth-century climate simulations
S Kumar, V Merwade, JL Kinter III, D Niyogi
Journal of Climate 26 (12), 4168-4185, 2013
Recent change in the connection from the Asian monsoon to ENSO
JL Kinter III, K Miyakoda, S Yang
Journal of Climate 15 (10), 1203-1215, 2002
Tropical cyclone climatology in a 10-km global atmospheric GCM: toward weather-resolving climate modeling
JV Manganello, KI Hodges, JL Kinter III, BA Cash, L Marx, T Jung, ...
Journal of Climate 25 (11), 3867-3893, 2012
Geophysical data analysis and visualization using the grid analysis and display system
BE Doty, JLI Kinter
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC, USA, 1995
North American climate in CMIP5 experiments. Part II: Evaluation of historical simulations of intraseasonal to decadal variability
J Sheffield, SJ Camargo, R Fu, Q Hu, X Jiang, N Johnson, KB Karnauskas, ...
Journal of Climate 26 (23), 9247-9290, 2013
Discrepancy of interdecadal changes in the Asian region among the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis, objective analyses, and observations
R Wu, JL Kinter Iii, BP Kirtman
Journal of climate 18 (15), 3048-3067, 2005
Revolution in climate prediction is both necessary and possible: A declaration at the World Modelling Summit for Climate Prediction
J Shukla, R Hagedorn, B Hoskins, J Kinter, J Marotzke, M Miller, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 90 (2), 175-178, 2009
The CLIVAR C20C project: which components of the Asian–Australian monsoon circulation variations are forced and reproducible?
T Zhou, B Wu, AA Scaife, S Brönnimann, A Cherchi, D Fereday, ...
Climate dynamics 33, 1051-1068, 2009
The simulated Indian monsoon: a GCM sensitivity study
MJ Fennessy, JL Kinter III, B Kirtman, L Marx, S Nigam, E Schneider, ...
Journal of Climate 7 (1), 33-43, 1994
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