Nathanael Lichti
Nathanael Lichti
Visiting Assistant Professor, Purdue University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na purdue.edu
Seed fate and decision‐making processes in scatter‐hoarding rodents
NI Lichti, MA Steele, RK Swihart
Biological Reviews 92 (1), 474-504, 2017
Mast species composition alters seed fate in North American rodent‐dispersed hardwoods
NI Lichti, MA Steele, H Zhang, RK Swihart
Ecology 95 (7), 1746-1758, 2014
Toward more robust projections of forest landscape dynamics under novel environmental conditions: embedding PnET within LANDIS-II
A De Bruijn, EJ Gustafson, BR Sturtevant, JR Foster, BR Miranda, NI Lichti, ...
Ecological Modelling 287, 44-57, 2014
Consequences of intraspecific variation in seed dispersal for plant demography, communities, evolution and global change
RS Snell, NG Beckman, E Fricke, BA Loiselle, CS Carvalho, LR Jones, ...
AoB Plants 11 (4), plz016, 2019
Estimating utilization distributions with kernel versus local convex hull methods
NI Lichti, RK Swihart
The Journal of Wildlife Management 75 (2), 413-422, 2011
Cache placement, pilfering, and a recovery advantage in a seed-dispersing rodent: Could predation of scatter hoarders contribute to seedling establishment?
MA Steele, M Budgal, A Yuan, A Bartlow, J Buzalewski, N Lichti, ...
Acta Oecologica 37 (6), 554-560, 2011
Temperature preferences of male field crickets (Gryllus integer) alter their mating calls
A Hedrick, D Perez, N Lichti, J Yew
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 188 (10), 799-805, 2002
Segregating the effects of seed traits and common ancestry of hardwood trees on eastern gray squirrel foraging decisions
M Sundaram, JR Willoughby, NI Lichti, MA Steele, RK Swihart
PLoS One 10 (6), e0130942, 2015
Consumer‐mediated indirect interaction with a native plant lowers the fitness of an invasive competitor
M Bogdziewicz, NI Lichti, R Zwolak
Journal of Ecology 107 (1), 12-22, 2019
Eastern gray squirrels are consistent shoppers of seed traits: insights from discrete choice experiments
M Sundaram, NI Lichti, NJO Widmar, RK Swihart
Integrative Zoology 13 (3), 280-296, 2018
Acorn-foraging preferences of four species of free-ranging avian seed predators in eastern deciduous forests
KB Richardson, NI Lichti, RK Swihart
The Condor 115 (4), 863-873, 2013
Midstory removal reduces effectiveness of oak (Quercus) acorn dispersal by small mammals in the Central Hardwood Forest region
KF Kellner, NI Lichti, RK Swihart
Forest Ecology and Management 375, 182-190, 2016
The implications of American chestnut reintroduction on landscape dynamics and carbon storage
EJ Gustafson, A de Bruijn, N Lichti, DF Jacobs, BR Sturtevant, J Foster, ...
Ecosphere 8 (4), e01773, 2017
Scatterhoarders drive long‐and short‐term population dynamics of a nut‐producing tree, while pre‐dispersal seed predators and herbivores have little effect
EC Elwood, NI Lichti, SF Fitzsimmons, HJ Dalgleish
Journal of Ecology 106 (3), 1191-1203, 2018
Selection, caching, and consumption of hardwood seeds by forest rodents: implications for restoration of American chestnut
RM Blythe, NI Lichti, TJ Smyser, RK Swihart
Restoration Ecology 23 (4), 473-481, 2015
Forecasting effects of tree species reintroduction strategies on carbon stocks in a future without historical analog
EJ Gustafson, BR Sturtevant, AMG de Bruijn, N Lichti, DF Jacobs, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (11), 5500-5517, 2018
Does multiple seed loading in Blue Jays result in selective dispersal of smaller acorns?
AW Bartlow, M Kachmar, N Lichti, RK Swihart, JA Stratford, MA Steele
Integrative Zoology 6 (3), 235-243, 2011
Frequency-dependent hoarding by Sciurus carolinensis occurs with seeds of similar perceived value
M Sundaram, NI Lichti, MA Steele, HJ Dalgleish, RK Swihart
Journal of Mammalogy 98 (1), 124-134, 2017
Exposure to herbivores increases seedling growth and survival of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) through decreased interspecific competition in canopy gaps
HJ Dalgleish, NI Lichti, N Schmedding, RK Swihart
Restoration Ecology 23 (5), 655-661, 2015
Re-caching of acorns by rodents: Cache management in eastern deciduous forests of North America
AW Bartlow, NI Lichti, R Curtis, RK Swihart, MA Steele
Acta Oecologica 92, 117-122, 2018
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