Laura Uusitalo
Advantages and challenges of Bayesian networks in environmental modelling
L Uusitalo
Ecological modelling 203 (3-4), 312-318, 2007
An overview of methods to evaluate uncertainty of deterministic models in decision support
L Uusitalo, A Lehikoinen, I Helle, K Myrberg
Environmental Modelling & Software 63, 24-31, 2015
Good Environmental Status of marine ecosystems: What is it and how do we know when we have attained it?
A Borja, M Elliott, JH Andersen, AC Cardoso, J Carstensen, JG Ferreira, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 76 (1-2), 16-27, 2013
How to value biodiversity in environmental management?
M Laurila-Pant, A Lehikoinen, L Uusitalo, R Venesjärvi
Ecological Indicators 55, 1-11, 2015
Bayesian networks in environmental and resource management
DN Barton, S Kuikka, O Varis, L Uusitalo, HJ Henriksen, M Borsuk, ...
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8 (3), 418-429, 2012
Bayesian networks in environmental risk assessment: A review
L Kaikkonen, T Parviainen, M Rahikainen, L Uusitalo, A Lehikoinen
Integrated environmental assessment and management 17 (1), 62-78, 2020
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the ecosystem-based approach–pitfalls and solutions
T Berg, K Fürhaupter, H Teixeira, L Uusitalo, N Zampoukas
Marine pollution bulletin 96 (1-2), 18-28, 2015
Tales from a thousand and one ways to integrate marine ecosystem components when assessing the environmental status
A Borja, TC Prins, N Simboura, JH Andersen, T Berg, JC Marques, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 1, 72, 2014
Estimation of Atlantic salmon smolt carrying capacity of rivers using expert knowledge
L Uusitalo, S Kuikka, A Romakkaniemi
ICES Journal of Marine Science 62 (4), 708-722, 2005
Bridging the gap between policy and science in assessing the health status of marine ecosystems
A Borja, M Elliott, PVR Snelgrove, MC Austen, T Berg, S Cochrane, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 175, 2016
A catalogue of marine biodiversity indicators
H Teixeira, T Berg, L Uusitalo, K Fürhaupter, AS Heiskanen, K Mazik, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 207, 2016
Quantitative criteria for choosing targets and indicators for sustainable use of ecosystems
AG Rossberg, L Uusitalo, T Berg, A Zaiko, A Chenuil, MC Uyarra, A Borja, ...
Ecological Indicators 72, 215-224, 2017
Combining multiple Bayesian data analyses in a sequential framework for quantitative fisheries stock assessment
CGJ Michielsens, MK McAllister, S Kuikka, S Mäntyniemi, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (5), 962-974, 2008
The seasonal dynamics and distribution of Chaoborus flavicans larvae in adjacent lake basins of different morphometry and degree of eutrophication
A LILJENDAHL‐NURMINEN, J Horppila, P Eloranta, T Malinen, ...
Freshwater Biology 47 (7), 1283-1295, 2002
Machine learning in marine ecology: an overview of techniques and applications
P Rubbens, S Brodie, T Cordier, D Destro Barcellos, P Devos, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsad100, 2023
Indicator properties of Baltic zooplankton for classification of environmental status within Marine Strategy Framework Directive
E Gorokhova, M Lehtiniemi, L Postel, G Rubene, C Amid, J Lesutiene, ...
PloS one 11 (7), e0158326, 2016
A retrospective view of the development of the Gulf of Bothnia ecosystem
H Kuosa, V Fleming-Lehtinen, S Lehtinen, M Lehtiniemi, H Nygård, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 167, 78-92, 2017
Mysis relicta in a eutrophic lake: Consequences of obligatory habitat shifts
J Horppila, A Liljendahl-Nurminen, T Malinen, M Salonen, A Tuomaala, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 48 (3), 1214-1222, 2003
Exploring methods for predicting multiple pressures on ecosystem recovery: A case study on marine eutrophication and fisheries
L Uusitalo, S Korpinen, JH Andersen, S Niiranen, S Valanko, ...
Continental Shelf Research 121, 48-60, 2016
Benthic‐pelagic coupling and trophic relationships in northern Baltic Sea food webs
M Kiljunen, H Peltonen, M Lehtiniemi, L Uusitalo, T Sinisalo, J Norkko, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 65 (8), 1706-1722, 2020
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