Relative sea-level fall since the last interglacial stage: are coasts uplifting worldwide? K Pedoja, L Husson, V Regard, PR Cobbold, E Ostanciaux, ME Johnson, ... Earth-Science Reviews 108 (1-2), 1-15, 2011 | 197 | 2011 |
Coastal staircase sequences reflecting sea-level oscillations and tectonic uplift during the Quaternary and Neogene K Pedoja, L Husson, ME Johnson, D Melnick, C Witt, S Pochat, M Nexer, ... Earth-Science Reviews 132, 13-38, 2014 | 193 | 2014 |
Uplift of Quaternary shorelines in eastern Patagonia: Darwin revisited K Pedoja, V Regard, L Husson, J Martinod, B Guillaume, E Fucks, ... Geomorphology 127 (3-4), 121-142, 2011 | 134 | 2011 |
Quaternary coastal uplift along the Talara Arc (Ecuador, Northern Peru) from new marine terrace data K Pedoja, L Ortlieb, JF Dumont, M Lamothe, B Ghaleb, M Auclair, ... Marine Geology 228 (1-4), 73-91, 2006 | 121 | 2006 |
Plio-Quaternary uplift of the Manta Peninsula and La Plata Island and the subduction of the Carnegie Ridge, central coast of Ecuador K Pedoja, JF Dumont, M Lamothe, L Ortlieb, JY Collot, B Ghaleb, ... Journal of South American Earth Sciences 22 (1-2), 1-21, 2006 | 109 | 2006 |
Renewed uplift of the Central Andes Forearc revealed by coastal evolution during the Quaternary V Regard, M Saillard, J Martinod, L Audin, S Carretier, K Pedoja, ... Earth and Planetary Science Letters 297 (1-2), 199-210, 2010 | 107 | 2010 |
Subsiding sundaland AC Sarr, L Husson, P Sepulchre, AM Pastier, K Pedoja, M Elliot, ... Geology 47 (2), 119-122, 2019 | 80 | 2019 |
Present-day trends of vertical ground motion along the coast lines É Ostanciaux, L Husson, G Choblet, C Robin, K Pedoja Earth-Science Reviews 110 (1-4), 74-92, 2012 | 79 | 2012 |
Late Holocene seacliff retreat recorded by 10Be profiles across a coastal platform: Theory and example from the English Channel V Regard, T Dewez, DL Bourlès, RS Anderson, A Duperret, S Costa, ... Quaternary Geochronology 11, 87-97, 2012 | 65 | 2012 |
Morphological and microtectonic analysis of quaternary deformation from puná and santa clara islands, gulf of guayaquil, Ecuador (South America) JF Dumont, E Santana, W Vilema, K Pedoja, M Ordonez, M Cruz, ... Tectonophysics 399 (1-4), 331-350, 2005 | 57 | 2005 |
Coastal Quaternary morphologies on the northern coast of the South China Sea, China, and their implications for current tectonic models: a review and preliminary study K Pedoja, JW Shen, S Kershaw, C Tang Marine Geology 255 (3-4), 103-117, 2008 | 53 | 2008 |
Transpressional tectonics in the Marrakech High Atlas: Insight by the geomorphic evolution of drainage basins B Delcaillau, M Amrhar, M Namous, E Laville, K Pedoja, O Dugué Geomorphology 134 (3-4), 344-362, 2011 | 50 | 2011 |
Fluxes and sources of particulate organic carbon in the Ganga‐Brahmaputra river system AM Aucour, C France‐Lanord, K Pedoja, AC Pierson‐Wickmann, ... Global Biogeochemical Cycles 20 (2), 2006 | 50 | 2006 |
Quaternary evolution of the Marrakech High Atlas and morphotectonic evidence of activity along the Tizi N'Test Fault, Morocco B Delcaillau, E Laville, M Amhrar, M Namous, O Dugué, K Pedoja Geomorphology 118 (3-4), 262-279, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
On the long-lasting sequences of coral reef terraces from SE Sulawesi (Indonesia): Distribution, formation, and global significance K Pedoja, L Husson, A Bézos, AM Pastier, AM Imran, C Arias-Ruiz, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 188, 37-57, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
Neogene-Quaternary slow coastal uplift of Western Europe through the perspective of sequences of strandlines from the Cotentin Peninsula (Normandy, France) K Pedoja, J Jara-Muñoz, G De Gelder, J Robertson, M Meschis, ... Geomorphology 303, 338-356, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
Does Kamchatka belong to North America? An extruding Okhotsk block suggested by coastal neotectonics of the Ozernoi Peninsula, Kamchatka, Russia K Pedoja, J Bourgeois, T Pinegina, B Higman Geology 34 (5), 353-356, 2006 | 43 | 2006 |
TerraceM-2: A Matlab® Interface for Mapping and Modeling Marine and Lacustrine Terraces J Jara-Muñoz, D Melnick, K Pedoja, MR Strecker Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 255, 2019 | 40 | 2019 |
Coastal uplift along the eastern Black Sea coast: New marine terrace data from Eastern Pontides, Trabzon (Turkey) and a review S Keskin, K Pedoja, O Bektaş Journal of Coastal Research 27 (6A), 63-73, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
Passive margins getting squeezed in the mantle convection vice P Yamato, L Husson, TW Becker, K Pedoja Tectonics 32 (6), 1559-1570, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |