Muscle coordination of mediolateral balance in normal walking MG Pandy, YC Lin, HJ Kim Journal of biomechanics 43 (11), 2055-2064, 2010 | 251 | 2010 |
Sensitivity of model predictions of muscle function to changes in moment arms and muscle–tendon properties: A Monte-Carlo analysis DC Ackland, YC Lin, MG Pandy Journal of biomechanics 45 (8), 1463-1471, 2012 | 212 | 2012 |
Simultaneous prediction of muscle and contact forces in the knee during gait YC Lin, JP Walter, SA Banks, MG Pandy, BJ Fregly Journal of biomechanics 43 (5), 945-952, 2010 | 206 | 2010 |
In vivo behavior of the human soleus muscle with increasing walking and running speeds A Lai, GA Lichtwark, AG Schache, YC Lin, NAT Brown, MG Pandy Journal of Applied Physiology 118 (10), 1266-1275, 2015 | 204 | 2015 |
Tendon elastic strain energy in the human ankle plantar-flexors and its role with increased running speed A Lai, AG Schache, YC Lin, MG Pandy Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (17), 3159-3168, 2014 | 176 | 2014 |
Comparison of different methods for estimating muscle forces in human movement YC Lin, TW Dorn, AG Schache, MG Pandy Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 2012 | 134 | 2012 |
Effects of step length and step frequency on lower-limb muscle function in human gait YP Lim, YC Lin, MG Pandy Journal of Biomechanics 57, 1-7, 2017 | 99 | 2017 |
Direct methods for predicting movement biomechanics based upon optimal control theory with implementation in OpenSim S Porsa, YC Lin, MG Pandy Annals of biomedical engineering 44 (8), 2542-2557, 2016 | 98 | 2016 |
Estimates of muscle function in human gait depend on how foot-ground contact is modelled TW Dorn, YC Lin, MG Pandy Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 15 (6), 657-668, 2012 | 91 | 2012 |
Three-dimensional data-tracking dynamic optimization simulations of human locomotion generated by direct collocation YC Lin, MG Pandy Journal of biomechanics 59, 1-8, 2017 | 90 | 2017 |
Patellofemoral joint loading during stair ambulation in people with patellofemoral osteoarthritis LA Fok, AG Schache, KM Crossley, YC Lin, MG Pandy Arthritis & Rheumatism 65 (8), 2059-2069, 2013 | 86 | 2013 |
A computationally efficient method for assessing muscle function during human locomotion YC Lin, HJ Kim, MG Pandy International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 27 (3 …, 2011 | 85 | 2011 |
How muscles maximize performance in accelerated sprinting MG Pandy, AKM Lai, AG Schache, YC Lin Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 31 (10), 1882-1896, 2021 | 83 | 2021 |
Muscles that do not cross the knee contribute to the knee adduction moment and tibiofemoral compartment loading during gait P Sritharan, YC Lin, MG Pandy Journal of Orthopaedic Research 30 (10), 1586-1595, 2012 | 81 | 2012 |
Predictive simulations of neuromuscular coordination and joint-contact loading in human gait YC Lin, JP Walter, MG Pandy Annals of biomedical engineering 46 (8), 1216-1227, 2018 | 78 | 2018 |
Muscle coordination of support, progression and balance during stair ambulation YC Lin, LA Fok, AG Schache, MG Pandy Journal of biomechanics 48 (2), 340-347, 2015 | 78 | 2015 |
Muscle function during gait is invariant to age when walking speed is controlled YP Lim, YC Lin, MG Pandy Gait & posture 38 (2), 253-259, 2013 | 77 | 2013 |
Surrogate articular contact models for computationally efficient multibody dynamic simulations YC Lin, RT Haftka, NV Queipo, BJ Fregly Medical engineering & physics 32 (6), 584-594, 2010 | 71 | 2010 |
Quantitative evaluation of the major determinants of human gait YC Lin, M Gfoehler, MG Pandy Journal of biomechanics 47 (6), 1324-1331, 2014 | 68 | 2014 |
Femoroacetabular impingement and hip OsteoaRthritis Cohort (FORCe): protocol for a prospective study K Crossley, MG Pandy, S Majumdar, AJ Smith, AI Semciw, JL Kemp, ... Journal of physiotherapy, 2017 | 49 | 2017 |