Yi-Chung Lin
Muscle coordination of mediolateral balance in normal walking
MG Pandy, YC Lin, HJ Kim
Journal of biomechanics 43 (11), 2055-2064, 2010
Sensitivity of model predictions of muscle function to changes in moment arms and muscle–tendon properties: A Monte-Carlo analysis
DC Ackland, YC Lin, MG Pandy
Journal of biomechanics 45 (8), 1463-1471, 2012
Simultaneous prediction of muscle and contact forces in the knee during gait
YC Lin, JP Walter, SA Banks, MG Pandy, BJ Fregly
Journal of biomechanics 43 (5), 945-952, 2010
In vivo behavior of the human soleus muscle with increasing walking and running speeds
A Lai, GA Lichtwark, AG Schache, YC Lin, NAT Brown, MG Pandy
Journal of Applied Physiology 118 (10), 1266-1275, 2015
Tendon elastic strain energy in the human ankle plantar-flexors and its role with increased running speed
A Lai, AG Schache, YC Lin, MG Pandy
Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (17), 3159-3168, 2014
Comparison of different methods for estimating muscle forces in human movement
YC Lin, TW Dorn, AG Schache, MG Pandy
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 2012
Effects of step length and step frequency on lower-limb muscle function in human gait
YP Lim, YC Lin, MG Pandy
Journal of Biomechanics 57, 1-7, 2017
Direct methods for predicting movement biomechanics based upon optimal control theory with implementation in OpenSim
S Porsa, YC Lin, MG Pandy
Annals of biomedical engineering 44 (8), 2542-2557, 2016
Estimates of muscle function in human gait depend on how foot-ground contact is modelled
TW Dorn, YC Lin, MG Pandy
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 15 (6), 657-668, 2012
Three-dimensional data-tracking dynamic optimization simulations of human locomotion generated by direct collocation
YC Lin, MG Pandy
Journal of biomechanics 59, 1-8, 2017
Patellofemoral joint loading during stair ambulation in people with patellofemoral osteoarthritis
LA Fok, AG Schache, KM Crossley, YC Lin, MG Pandy
Arthritis & Rheumatism 65 (8), 2059-2069, 2013
A computationally efficient method for assessing muscle function during human locomotion
YC Lin, HJ Kim, MG Pandy
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 27 (3 …, 2011
How muscles maximize performance in accelerated sprinting
MG Pandy, AKM Lai, AG Schache, YC Lin
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 31 (10), 1882-1896, 2021
Muscles that do not cross the knee contribute to the knee adduction moment and tibiofemoral compartment loading during gait
P Sritharan, YC Lin, MG Pandy
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 30 (10), 1586-1595, 2012
Predictive simulations of neuromuscular coordination and joint-contact loading in human gait
YC Lin, JP Walter, MG Pandy
Annals of biomedical engineering 46 (8), 1216-1227, 2018
Muscle coordination of support, progression and balance during stair ambulation
YC Lin, LA Fok, AG Schache, MG Pandy
Journal of biomechanics 48 (2), 340-347, 2015
Muscle function during gait is invariant to age when walking speed is controlled
YP Lim, YC Lin, MG Pandy
Gait & posture 38 (2), 253-259, 2013
Surrogate articular contact models for computationally efficient multibody dynamic simulations
YC Lin, RT Haftka, NV Queipo, BJ Fregly
Medical engineering & physics 32 (6), 584-594, 2010
Quantitative evaluation of the major determinants of human gait
YC Lin, M Gfoehler, MG Pandy
Journal of biomechanics 47 (6), 1324-1331, 2014
Femoroacetabular impingement and hip OsteoaRthritis Cohort (FORCe): protocol for a prospective study
K Crossley, MG Pandy, S Majumdar, AJ Smith, AI Semciw, JL Kemp, ...
Journal of physiotherapy, 2017
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