Paul J. Vardanega
Paul J. Vardanega
Associate Professor in Civil Engineering, University of Bristol
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na bristol.ac.uk - Domača stran
Stiffness of Clays and Silts: Normalizing Shear Modulus and Shear Strain
PJ Vardanega, MD Bolton
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 139 (9), 1575-1589, 2013
The plastic limit of clays
SK Haigh, PJ Vardanega, MD Bolton
Géotechnique 63 (6), 435-440, 2013
Categories of SHM deployments: technologies and capabilities
GT Webb, PJ Vardanega, CR Middleton
Journal of Bridge Engineering 20 (11), 04014118, 2015
The undrained strength–liquidity index relationship
PJ Vardanega, SK Haigh
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 51 (9), 1073-1086, 2014
A sand-rubber deformable granular layer as a low-cost seismic isolation strategy in developing countries: Experimental investigation
A Tsiavos, NA Alexander, A Diambra, E Ibraim, PJ Vardanega, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 125, 105731, 2019
Use of Fall Cones to Determine Atterberg Limits: A Review
BC O'Kelly, PJ Vardanega, SK Haigh
Géotechnique 68 (10), 843–856, 2018
Strength mobilization in clays and silts
PJ Vardanega, MD Bolton
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 48 (10), 1485-1503, 2011
State of the Art: Permeability of Asphalt Concrete
PJ Vardanega
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 26 (1), 54-64, 2014
Mutual shaping in swarm robotics: User studies in fire and rescue, storage organization, and bridge inspection
D Carrillo-Zapata, E Milner, J Hird, G Tzoumas, PJ Vardanega, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, 53, 2020
Analysis of fiber-optic strain-monitoring data from a prestressed concrete bridge
GT Webb, PJ Vardanega, NA Hoult, P Fidler, PJ Bennett, C Middleton
Journal of Bridge Engineering 22 (5), 05017002, 2017
Analysis of structural health monitoring data from Hammersmith flyover
GT Webb, PJ Vardanega, PRA Fidler, CR Middleton
Journal of Bridge Engineering 19 (6), 05014003, 2014
Analysis of asphalt concrete permeability data using representative pore size
PJ Vardanega, TJ Waters
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 23 (2), 169-176, 2011
Urbanisation and landslides: hazard drivers and better practices
EA Holcombe, MEW Beesley, PJ Vardanega, R Sorbie
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Civil Engineering 169 (3 …, 2016
Bored pile design in stiff clay II: mechanisms and uncertainty
PJ Vardanega, MG Williamson, MD Bolton
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering …, 2012
Laboratory measurement of strength mobilisation in kaolin: link to stress history
PJ Vardanega, BH Lau, SY Lam, SK Haigh, SPG Madabhushi, MD Bolton
Géotechnique Letters 2 (1), 9-15, 2012
Design of Geostructural Systems
PJ Vardanega, MD Bolton
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A …, 2016
Ground movements due to deep excavations in Shanghai: Design charts
MD Bolton, SY Lam, PJ Vardanega, CWW Ng, X Ma
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 8 (3), 201-236, 2014
Results of monitoring at the British Library excavation
B Simpson, PJ Vardanega
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering …, 2014
Bridge Monitoring: A Practical Guide
CR Middleton, PRA Fidler, PJ Vardanega
ICE Publishing, 2016
Practical methods to estimate the non-linear shear stiffness of fine grained soils
PJ Vardanega, MD Bolton
Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials 1, 372-379, 2011
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