Peter Caley
Peter Caley
CSIRO Data61, GPO Box 1700, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
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Quantifying social distancing arising from pandemic influenza
P Caley, DJ Philp, K McCracken
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 5 (23), 631-639, 2008
Movements, activity patterns and habitat use of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in a tropical habitat
P Caley
Wildlife Research 24 (1), 77-87, 1997
Effects of sustained control of brushtail possums on levels of Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle and brushtail possum populations from Hohotaka, New Zealand
P Caley, GJ Hickling, PE Cowan, DU Pfeiffer
New Zealand Veterinary Journal 47 (4), 133-142, 1999
Population dynamics of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in a tropical riverine habitat complex.
P Caley
Wildlife Research 20 (5), 625-636, 1993
Testing the irruptive paradigm of large‐herbivore dynamics
DM Forsyth, P Caley
Ecology 87 (2), 297-303, 2006
The effects of reducing population density on contact rates between brushtail possums: implications for transmission of bovine tuberculosis
D Ramsey, N Spencer, P Caley, M Efford, K Hansen, M Lam, D Cooper
Journal of Applied Ecology, 806-818, 2002
Estimating the invasion success of introduced plants
P Caley, RH Groves, R Barker
Diversity and Distributions 14 (2), 196-203, 2008
Possums as a reservoir of bovine Tb
J Coleman, P Caley
The brushtail possum: biology, impact and management of an introduced …, 2000
Prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis infection in feral pigs in the Northern Territory
J McInerney, KJ Small, P Caley
Australian Veterinary Journal 72 (12), 448-451, 1995
Application and evaluation of classification trees for screening unwanted plants
P Caley, PM Kuhnert
Austral Ecology 31 (5), 647-655, 2006
Combining a climatic niche model of an invasive fungus with its host species distributions to identify risks to natural assets: Puccinia psidii sensu lato in Australia
DJ Kriticos, L Morin, A Leriche, RC Anderson, P Caley
PLoS One 8 (5), e64479, 2013
Estimating population density from presence–absence data using a spatially explicit model
DSL Ramsey, PA Caley, A Robley
The Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (3), 491-499, 2015
Disease transmission between and within species, and the implications for disease control
P Caley, J Hone
Journal of Applied Ecology 41 (1), 94-104, 2004
Estimating disease transmission in wildlife, with emphasis on leptospirosis and bovine tuberculosis in possums, and effects of fertility control
P Caley, D Ramsey
Journal of Applied Ecology, 1362-1370, 2001
Citizen surveillance for environmental monitoring: combining the efforts of citizen science and crowdsourcing in a quantitative data framework
M Welvaert, P Caley
SpringerPlus 5, 1-14, 2016
The effectiveness of hunting dogs for removing feral pigs (Sus scrofa).
P Caley, B Ottley
Wildlife Research 22 (2), 147-154, 1995
Introduced mammals in Australian rangelands: future threats and the role of monitoring programmes in management strategies
GP Edwards, AR Pople, K Saalfeld, P Caley
Austral Ecology 29 (1), 40-50, 2004
The waiting time for inter-country spread of pandemic influenza
P Caley, NG Becker, DJ Philp
PLoS One 2 (1), e143, 2007
Epidemiology of Mycobacterium bovis infection in feral ferrets (Mustela furo) in New Zealand: II. Routes of infection and excretion
IW Lugton, G Wobeser, RS Morris, P Caley
New Zealand veterinary journal 45 (4), 151-157, 1997
Epidemiology of Mycobacterium bovis infection in feral ferrets (Mustela furo) in New Zealand: I. Pathology and diagnosis
IW Lugton, G Wobeser, RS Morris, P Caley
New Zealand veterinary journal 45 (4), 140-150, 1997
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