Mohamedharoon Shaikh
Mohamedharoon Shaikh
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na iitb.ac.in
Tectonic evolution of the intra-uplift Vigodi-Gugriana-Khirasra-Netra Fault System in the seismically active Kachchh rift basin, India: Implications for the western continental …
MA Shaikh, DM Maurya, S Mukherjee, NP Vanik, A Padmalal, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 140, 104124, 2020
Post-Deccan Trap stress reorientation under transpression: Evidence from fault slip analyses from SW Saurashtra, Western India
NP Vanik, MA Shaikh, S Mukherjee, DM Maurya, LS Chamyal
Journal of Geodynamics 121, 9-19, 2018
Geomorphological characteristics and morphologic dating of the Allah Bund Fault scarp, Great Rann of Kachchh, Western India.
P Akash, N Khonde, DM Maurya, MA Shaikh, A Kumar, NP Vanik, ...
Tectonics and Structural Geology: Indian Context, 55-74, 2018
Uplift induced structurally controlled landscape development: example from fault bounded Jumara and Jara domes in Northern Hill Range, Kachchh, Western India
MA Shaikh, DM Maurya, NP Vanik, P Akash, LS Chamyal
Geosciences Journal, 1-19, 2019
Late Quaternary drainage reorganization assisted by surface faulting: the example of the Katrol Hill Fault zone, Kachchh, Western India
DM Maurya, P Tiwari, MA Shaikh, AK Patidar, N Vanik, A Padmalal, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2021
Surface trace of the active Katrol Hill Fault and estimation of paleo-earthquake magnitude for seismic hazard, Western India
P Tiwari, DM Maurya, MA Shaikh, AK Patidar, NP Vanik, A Padmalal, ...
Engineering Geology 295, 106416, 2021
Building tectonic framework of a blind active fault zone using field and ground-penetrating radar data
MA Shaikh, AK Patidar, DM Maurya, NP Vanik, A Padmalal, P Tiwari, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 155, 104526, 2022
Comment on “Structural attributes and paleostress analysis of Quaternary landforms along the Vigodi Fault (VF) in Western Kachchh region [Quat. Int. https://doi.org/10.1016/j …
DM Maurya, MA Shaikh, S Mukherjee
Quaternary International 601, 143-147, 2021
Brittle tectonics in the western Arunachal frontal fold belt, India: Change in stress regime from pre-collisional extension to collisional compression
TK Goswami, M Gogoi, BN Mahanta, S Mukherjee, H Saikia, MA Shaikh, ...
Geological Journal, 1-20, 2022
Impact of long term uplift on stream networks in tectonically active Northern Hill Range, Kachchh palaeo-rift basin, western India
A Padmalal, DM Maurya, NP Vanik, MA Shaikh, P Tiwari, LS Chamyal
Journal of Mountain Science 18, 1609-1629, 2021
A tectono-geomorphological perspective of micro-earthquake swarm activity prone areas around Bhavnagar and Jamnagar in Saurashtra, western India
N Vanik, DM Maurya, M Shaikh, A Padmalal, P Tiwari, LS Chamyal
Quaternary International 585, 111-133, 2021
Active morphogenic faulting and paleostress analyses from the central Nahan Salient, NW Siwalik Himalaya
A Kumar, MA Shaikh, S Singh, T Singh, S Mukherjee, S Singh
International Journal of Earth Sciences 111 (4), 1251-1267, 2022
Structural geological field guide: Bhuj area (Gujarat, India)
N Lohani, S Mukherjee, S Singh, A Pawar, M Shaikh
Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook—Volume 2, 227-250, 2023
Surface Deformation Along Katrol Hill Fault, Kachchh, Evidenced by Satellite and DEM Data
AK Patidar, M Shaikh, P Tiwari, DM Maurya, LS Chamyal
Atlas of Structural Geological and Geomorphological Interpretation of Remote …, 2022
Mapping near surface trace of the seismically active Kachchh Mainland Fault and its lateral extension in the blind zone, western India
DM Maurya, V Chowksey, MA Shaikh, AK Patidar, A Padmalal, ...
Near Surface Geophysics, 2022
Fault stability assessment through slip and dilation tendency analyses and their application to CO2 storage site selection strategies
MA Shaikh, S Roy, S Dasgupta
SEG Symposium on ‘Role of Geosciences in Carbon Storage’, 2024
Insights into microstructural and petrophysical properties of deformation bands in porous sandstone, Kachchh (Kutch) Rift Basin, India
M Shaikh, S Mukherjee, S Dasgupta, D Rajkhowa, D Maurya, L Chamyal
EGU23, 2023
Ground-penetrating radar signatures of Quaternary deformation: a study from the western part of the Kachchh Mainland Fault, western India
MA Shaikh, DM Maurya, S Mukherjee, LS Chamyal
7th National conference on Rock Deformation and Structures (RDS), 2022
Structural characterization of the western part of the seismically active Kachchh Mainland Fault, western India
MA Shaikh, AK Patidar, DM Maurya, NP Vanik, A Padmalal, P Tiwari, ...
National Symposium on “Understanding and combating earthquake and landslide …, 2022
Landscape Response to Neotectonic Reactivation of Kachchh Mainland Fault (KMF) and Associated Faults in Western Kachchh
M Shaikh
PQDT-Global, 2021
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