Alain Trémeau
Alain Trémeau
Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na univ-st-etienne.fr - Domača stran
A region growing and merging algorithm to color segmentation
A Tremeau, N Borel
Pattern recognition 30 (7), 1191-1203, 1997
Regions adjacency graph applied to color image segmentation
A Trémeau, P Colantoni
IEEE Transactions on image processing 9 (4), 735-744, 2000
Residual conv-deconv grid network for semantic segmentation
D Fourure, R Emonet, E Fromont, D Muselet, A Tremeau, C Wolf
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.07958, 2017
Texture characterization by grey-level co-occurrence matrix from a perceptual approach
A Gebejes, R Huertas, A Tremeau, I Tomic, PR Biswas, C Fraza, ...
Color and Imaging Conference 24, 271-277, 2016
Color in image and video processing: most recent trends and future research directions
A Tremeau, S Tominaga, KN Plataniotis
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2008, 1-26, 2008
A cross‐cultural comparison of colour emotion for two‐colour combinations
LC Ou, M Ronnier Luo, PL Sun, NC Hu, HS Chen, SS Guan, A Woodcock, ...
Color Research & Application 37 (1), 23-43, 2012
Image numérique couleur: De l'acquisition au traitement
A Trémeau, C Fernandez-Maloigne, P Bonton, O Colot, P Gouton, ...
Dunod, 2004
Full reference image quality assessment based on saliency map analysis
Y Tong, H Konik, F Cheikh, A Tremeau
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology 54 (3), 30503-1-30503-14, 2010
A spatiotemporal saliency model for video surveillance
T Yubing, FA Cheikh, FFE Guraya, H Konik, A Trémeau
Cognitive Computation 3, 241-263, 2011
A Survey of Color Mapping and its Applications.
HS Faridul, T Pouli, C Chamaret, J Stauder, A Trémeau, E Reinhard
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports) 3 (2), 1, 2014
Colour mapping: A review of recent methods, extensions and applications
HS Faridul, T Pouli, C Chamaret, J Stauder, E Reinhard, D Kuzovkin, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (1), 59-88, 2016
Multi-task, multi-domain learning: application to semantic segmentation and pose regression
D Fourure, R Emonet, E Fromont, D Muselet, N Neverova, A Trémeau, ...
Neurocomputing 251, 68-80, 2017
Color quantization
L Brun, A Trémeau
Digital color imaging handbook, 589-637, 2017
Simple reversible watermarking schemes
D Coltuc, A Tremeau
Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII 5681 …, 2005
Recent trends in color image watermarking
A Trémeau, D Muselet
J Imaging Sci Technol 53 (1), 10, 2009
Joint color-spatial-directional clustering and region merging (JCSD-RM) for unsupervised RGB-D image segmentation
MA Hasnat, O Alata, A Tremeau
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 38 (11), 2255 …, 2015
Watermarking of color images based on segmentation of the XYZ color space
G Chareyron, B Macq, A Tremeau
Conference on colour in graphics, imaging, and vision 2, 178-182, 2004
Data fusion of objects using techniques such as laser scanning, structured light and photogrammetry for cultural heritage applications
CG Serna, R Pillay, A Trémeau
Computational Color Imaging: 5th International Workshop, CCIW 2015, Saint …, 2015
Color calibration of an RGB camera mounted in front of a microscope with strong color distortion
R Charrière, M Hébert, A Trémeau, N Destouches
Applied optics 52 (21), 5262-5271, 2013
Quality image metrics for synthetic images based on perceptual color differences
S Albin, G Rougeron, B Péroche, A Trémeau
IEEE transactions on image processing 11 (9), 961-971, 2002
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