Runa T. Hellwig, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Runa T. Hellwig, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na tu-berlin.de - Domača stran
Perceived control in indoor environments: a conceptual approach
RT Hellwig
Building Research and Information 43 (3), 302-315, 2015
Evaluating assumptions of scales for subjective assessment of thermal environments–Do laypersons perceive them the way, we researchers believe?
M Schweiker, M André, F Al-Atrash, H Al-Khatri, RR Alprianti, H Alsaad, ...
Energy and Buildings 211, 109761, 2020
Local and overall thermal comfort in an aircraft cabin and their interrelations
S Park, RT Hellwig, G Grün, A Holm
Building and Environment 46 (5), 1056-1064, 2011
A framework for adopting adaptive thermal comfort principles in design and operation of buildings
RT Hellwig, D Teli, M Schweiker, JH Choi, MCJ Lee, R Mora, R Rawal, ...
Energy & Buildings, 2019
Thermische Behaglichkeit-Unterschiede zwischen frei und mechanisch belüfteten Bürogebäuden aus Nutzersicht/ Thermal Comfort - Natural ventilation versus air-conditioning in …
RT Hellwig
Munich, Germany: TU München, pp 179, 2005
Quality criteria for multi-domain studies in the indoor environment: Critical review towards research guidelines and recommendations
G Chinazzo, RK Andersen, E Azar, VM Barthelmes, C Becchio, L Belussi, ...
Building and Environment 226, 109719, 2022
Ten questions concerning occupant-centric control and operations
Z Nagy, B Gunay, C Miller, J Hahn, MM Ouf, S Lee, BW Hobson, ...
Building and Environment 242, 110518, 2023
Integrated thermal comfort analysis using a parametric manikin model for interactive real-time simulation
C Van Treeck, J Frisch, M Pfaffinger, E Rank, S Paulke, I Schweinfurth, ...
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 2 (4), 233-250, 2009
The Scales Project: a cross-national dataset on the interpretation of thermal perception scales
M Schweiker, A Abdul-Zahra, M Afonso de André, F Al-Atrash, H Al-Khatri, ...
Scientific Data 6 (1), DOI: 10.1038/s41597-019-0272-6, 2019
Thermal comfort in offices–Natural ventilation vs. air conditioning
RT Hellwig, S Brasche, W Bischof
Proceedings of Windsor Conference Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings …, 2006
Энергоэффективные здания. Анализ современного состояния и перспектив развития на основе реализованных проектов
H Erhorn, J Reiss, R Hellwig
АВОК., 36, 2006
Necessary conditions for multi-domain indoor environmental quality standards
A Mahdavi, C Berger, V Bochukova, L Bourikas, RT Hellwig, Q Jin, ...
Sustainability 12 (8439), 24, 2020
Gültigkeit thermischer Behaglichkeitsmodelle
RT Hellwig, W Bischof
Bauphysik 28 (2), 131-136, 2006
The colours of comfort: From thermal sensation to person-centric thermal zones for adaptive building strategies
S Gauthier, L Bourikas, F Al‐Atrash, C Bae, C Chun, R de Dear, ...
Energy and Buildings 216, 109936, 2020
The degree of adaptive thermal comfort in office workers in a hot-summer Mediterranean climate
F Al-Atrash, RT Hellwig, A Wagner
Energy and Buildings 223, 110147, 2020
The ambivalence of personal control over indoor climate–how much personal control is adequate?
RT Hellwig, M Schweiker, A Boerstra
E3S Web of Conferences 172 (06010), EDP Science, 2020
Hitzebeanspruchung und Leistungsfähigkeit in Büroräumen bei erhöhten Außentemperaturen (Heat strain and performance in offices at elevated outside temperatures / Stress …
RT Hellwig, I Nöske, S Brasche, H Gebhardt, I Levchuk, W Bischof
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, F2039, ISBN 978-3-88261 …, 2012
Investigations on indoor environmental conditions and natural ventilation in school buildings; Untersuchungen zum Raumklima und zur Fensterlueftung in Schulen
RT Hellwig, F Antretter, A Holm, K Sedlbauer
Bauphysik 31, 2009
Personal control over indoor climate in office buildings in a Mediterranean climate - Amman, Jordan
F Al-Atrash, RT Hellwig, A Wagner
Proceedings of 10th Windsor Conference: Rethinking Comfort. Cumberland Lodge …, 2018
Criteria for sustainable buildings: Assessment of indoor thermal environment-a contribution to the discussion; Kriterien des nachhaltigen Bauens: Bewertung des thermischen …
RT Hellwig, S Steiger, G Hauser, A Holm, K Sedlbauer
Bauphysik 30, 2008
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