Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected areas with five key features GJ Edgar, RD Stuart-Smith, TJ Willis, S Kininmonth, SC Baker, S Banks, ... Nature 506 (7487), 216-220, 2014 | 2128 | 2014 |
Comanagement of coral reef social-ecological systems JE Cinner, TR McClanahan, MA MacNeil, NAJ Graham, TM Daw, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (14), 5219-5222, 2012 | 669 | 2012 |
Integrating abundance and functional traits reveals new global hotspots of fish diversity RD Stuart-Smith, AE Bates, JS Lefcheck, JE Duffy, SC Baker, RJ Thomson, ... Nature 501 (7468), 539-542, 2013 | 655 | 2013 |
Bright spots among the world’s coral reefs JE Cinner, C Huchery, MA MacNeil, NAJ Graham, TR McClanahan, ... Nature 535 (7612), 416-419, 2016 | 590 | 2016 |
Contrasting patterns of coral bleaching susceptibility in 2010 suggest an adaptive response to thermal stress JR Guest, AH Baird, JA Maynard, E Muttaqin, AJ Edwards, SJ Campbell, ... PloS one 7 (3), e33353, 2012 | 588 | 2012 |
Prioritizing key resilience indicators to support coral reef management in a changing climate TR McClanahan, SD Donner, JA Maynard, MA MacNeil, NAJ Graham, ... Public Library of Science 7 (8), e42884, 2012 | 297 | 2012 |
Photosynthetic responses of seven tropical seagrasses to elevated seawater temperature SJ Campbell, LJ McKenzie, SP Kerville Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 330 (2), 455-468, 2006 | 280 | 2006 |
Poverty and protected areas: an evaluation of a marine integrated conservation and development project in Indonesia GG Gurney, J Cinner, NC Ban, RL Pressey, R Pollnac, SJ Campbell, ... Global Environmental Change 26, 98-107, 2014 | 240 | 2014 |
Social–environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene ES Darling, TR McClanahan, J Maina, GG Gurney, NAJ Graham, ... Nature ecology & evolution 3 (9), 1341-1350, 2019 | 230 | 2019 |
Flood related loss and recovery of intertidal seagrass meadows in southern Queensland, Australia SJ Campbell, LJ McKenzie Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 60 (3), 477-490, 2004 | 228 | 2004 |
Acanthaster planci is a major cause of coral mortality in Indonesia AH Baird, MS Pratchett, AS Hoey, Y Herdiana, SJ Campbell Coral reefs 32, 803-812, 2013 | 188 | 2013 |
Seagrass-watch: manual for mapping & monitoring seagrass resources by community (citizen) volunteers LJ McKenzie, SJ Campbell, CA Roder Information Series QI01094, 2003 | 171 | 2003 |
Acehnese reefs in the wake of the Asian tsunami AH Baird, SJ Campbell, AW Anggoro, RL Ardiwijaya, N Fadli, Y Herdiana, ... Current biology 15 (21), 1926-1930, 2005 | 160 | 2005 |
Biodiversity needs every tool in the box: use OECMs GG Gurney, ES Darling, GN Ahmadia, VN Agostini, NC Ban, J Blythe, ... Nature 595 (7869), 646-649, 2021 | 155 | 2021 |
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Co-management approaches and incentives improve management effectiveness in the Karimunjawa National Park, Indonesia SJ Campbell, T Kartawijaya, I Yulianto, R Prasetia, J Clifton Marine policy 41, 72-79, 2013 | 147 | 2013 |
Reef fish structure and cascading effects in response to artisanal fishing pressure SJ Campbell, ST Pardede Fisheries Research 79 (1-2), 75-83, 2006 | 131 | 2006 |
Weak compliance undermines the success of no-take zones in a large government-controlled marine protected area SJ Campbell, AS Hoey, J Maynard, T Kartawijaya, J Cinner, NAJ Graham, ... PloS one 7 (11), e50074, 2012 | 128 | 2012 |
Immediate impact of COVID-19 across tropical small-scale fishing communities SJ Campbell, R Jakub, A Valdivia, H Setiawan, A Setiawan, C Cox, A Kiyo, ... Ocean & coastal management 200, 105485, 2021 | 120 | 2021 |
Seasonal Patterns in the Photosynthetic Capacity, Tissue Pigment and Nutrient Content of Different Developmental Stages of Undaria pinnatifida (Phaeophyta … SJ Campbell, JS Bite, TR Burridge Walter de Gruyter 42 (3), 231-242, 1999 | 114 | 1999 |