Josh Dorrough
Josh Dorrough
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na environment.nsw.gov.au
Assessing functional diversity in the field–methodology matters!
S Lavorel, K Grigulis, S McIntyre, NSG Williams, D Garden, J Dorrough, ...
Functional Ecology 22 (1), 134-147, 2008
Time lags in provision of habitat resources through revegetation
PA Vesk, R Nolan, JR Thomson, JW Dorrough, R Mac Nally
Biological Conservation 141 (1), 174-186, 2008
Change in dominance determines herbivore effects on plant biodiversity
SE Koerner, MD Smith, DE Burkepile, NP Hanan, ML Avolio, SL Collins, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (12), 1925-1932, 2018
Conservation: limits of land sparing
J Fischer, P Batáry, KS Bawa, L Brussaard, MJ Chappell, Y Clough, ...
Science 334 (6056), 593-593, 2011
Eucalypt establishment in agricultural landscapes and implications for landscape-scale restoration
J Dorrough, C Moxham
Biological conservation 123 (1), 55-66, 2005
Livestock grazing management and biodiversity conservation in Australian temperate grassy landscapes
J Dorrough, A Yen, V Turner, SG Clark, J Crosthwaite, JR Hirth
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 55 (3), 279-295, 2004
Plant responses to livestock grazing frequency in an Australian temperate grassland
J Dorrough, J Ash, S McIntyre
Ecography 27 (6), 798-810, 2004
Soil phosphorus and tree cover modify the effects of livestock grazing on plant species richness in Australian grassy woodland
J Dorrough, C Moxham, V Turner, G Sutter
Biological Conservation 130 (3), 394-405, 2006
Plant responses to agricultural intensification
J Dorrough, MP Scroggie
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (4), 1274-1283, 2008
Can intensification of temperate Australian livestock production systems save land for native biodiversity?
J Dorrough, J Moll, J Crosthwaite
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 121 (3), 222-232, 2007
Reference state and benchmark concepts for better biodiversity conservation in contemporary ecosystems
MJ McNellie, I Oliver, J Dorrough, S Ferrier, G Newell, P Gibbons
Global Change Biology 26 (12), 6702-6714, 2020
Blowing in the wind? Nutrient enrichment of remnant woodlands in an agricultural landscape
DH Duncan, J Dorrough, M White, C Moxham
Landscape Ecology 23, 107-119, 2008
From plant neighbourhood to landscape scales: how grazing modifies native and exotic plant species richness in grassland
JW Dorrough, JE Ash, S Bruce, S McIntyre
Plant Ecology 191, 185-198, 2007
Differential responses of plants, reptiles and birds to grazing management, fertilizer and tree clearing
J Dorrough, S McIntyre, G Brown, J Stol, G Barrett, A Brown
Austral Ecology 37 (5), 569-582, 2012
Getting trees on farms the easy way? Lessons from a model of eucalypt regeneration on pastures
PA Vesk, JW Dorrough
Australian Journal of Botany 54 (6), 509-519, 2006
Integrating ecological uncertainty and farm‐scale economics when planning restoration
J Dorrough, PA Vesk, J Moll
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (1), 288-295, 2008
Using past and present habitat to predict the current distribution and abundance of a rare cryptic lizard, Delma impar (Pygopodidae)
J Dorrough, JE Ash
Australian Journal of Ecology 24 (6), 614-624, 1999
Livestock activity increases exotic plant richness, but wildlife increases native richness, with stronger effects under low productivity
DJ Eldridge, M Delgado‐Baquerizo, SK Travers, J Val, I Oliver, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (2), 766-776, 2018
Landscape and local influences on patterns of reptile occurrence in grazed temperate woodlands of southern Australia
GW Brown, JW Dorrough, DSL Ramsey
Landscape and Urban Planning 103 (3-4), 277-288, 2011
Additive and synergistic effects of land cover, land use and climate on insect biodiversity
I Oliver, J Dorrough, H Doherty, NR Andrew
Landscape Ecology 31, 2415-2431, 2016
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