Steffen Hage
Steffen Hage
Professor, Neurobiology of Social Communication, Dept. Otolaryngology, Tübingen University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uni-tuebingen.de - Domača stran
Brain mechanisms of acoustic communication in humans and nonhuman primates: an evolutionary perspective
H Ackermann, SR Hage, W Ziegler
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (6), 529-546, 2014
Ambient noise induces independent shifts in call frequency and amplitude within the Lombard effect in echolocating bats
SR Hage, T Jiang, SW Berquist, J Feng, W Metzner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (10), 4063-4068, 2013
Single neurons in monkey prefrontal cortex encode volitional initiation of vocalizations
SR Hage, A Nieder
Nature communications 4 (1), 2409, 2013
Dual neural network model for the evolution of speech and language
SR Hage, A Nieder
Trends in neurosciences 39 (12), 813-829, 2016
On the role of the pontine brainstem in vocal pattern generation: a telemetric single-unit recording study in the squirrel monkey
SR Hage, U Jürgens
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (26), 7105-7115, 2006
Cognitive control of distinct vocalizations in rhesus monkeys
SR Hage, N Gavrilov, A Nieder
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25 (10), 1692-1701, 2013
Limiting parental feedback disrupts vocal development in marmoset monkeys
YB Gultekin, SR Hage
Nature communications 8 (1), 14046, 2017
The Lombard effect: from acoustics to neural mechanisms
J Luo, SR Hage, CF Moss
Trends in neurosciences 41 (12), 938-949, 2018
Mapping responses to frequency sweeps and tones in the inferior colliculus of house mice
SR Hage, G Ehret
European Journal of Neuroscience 18 (8), 2301-2312, 2003
Audio–vocal interaction in the pontine brainstem during self‐initiated vocalization in the squirrel monkey
SR Hage, U Jürgens, G Ehret
European Journal of Neuroscience 23 (12), 3297-3308, 2006
Limiting parental interaction during vocal development affects acoustic call structure in marmoset monkeys
YB Gultekin, SR Hage
Science Advances 4 (4), eaar4012, 2018
Audio-vocal interaction in single neurons of the monkey ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
SR Hage, A Nieder
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (18), 7030-7040, 2015
Precise motor control enables rapid flexibility in vocal behavior of marmoset monkeys
T Pomberger, C Risueno-Segovia, J Löschner, SR Hage
Current Biology 28 (5), 788-794. e3, 2018
Neuronal networks involved in the generation of vocalization
SR Hage
Handbook of behavioral neuroscience 19, 339-349, 2010
On the role of the reticular formation in vocal pattern generation
U Jürgens, SR Hage
Behavioural brain research 182 (2), 308-314, 2007
Localization of a vocal pattern generator in the pontine brainstem of the squirrel monkey
SR Hage, U Jürgens
European Journal of Neuroscience 23 (3), 840-844, 2006
Spatial map of frequency tuning-curve shapes in the mouse inferior colliculus
G Ehret, M Egorova, SR Hage, BA Müller
Neuroreport 14 (10), 1365-1369, 2003
Localization of the central pattern generator for vocalization
SR Hage
Handbook of behavioral neuroscience 19, 329-337, 2010
Functional specialization of the primate frontal lobe during cognitive control of vocalizations
N Gavrilov, SR Hage, A Nieder
Cell reports 21 (9), 2393-2406, 2017
High plasticity in marmoset monkey vocal development from infancy to adulthood
YB Gultekin, DGC Hildebrand, K Hammerschmidt, SR Hage
Science Advances 7 (27), eabf2938, 2021
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