A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise M Ester, HP Kriegel, J Sander, X Xu kdd 96 (34), 226-231, 1996 | 35813 | 1996 |
DBSCAN revisited, revisited: why and how you should (still) use DBSCAN E Schubert, J Sander, M Ester, HP Kriegel, X Xu ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 42 (3), 1-21, 2017 | 2943 | 2017 |
PSORTb 3.0: improved protein subcellular localization prediction with refined localization subcategories and predictive capabilities for all prokaryotes NY Yu, JR Wagner, MR Laird, G Melli, S Rey, R Lo, P Dao, SC Sahinalp, ... Bioinformatics 26 (13), 1608-1615, 2010 | 2677 | 2010 |
Density-based clustering in spatial databases: The algorithm gdbscan and its applications J Sander, M Ester, HP Kriegel, X Xu Data mining and knowledge discovery 2, 169-194, 1998 | 2215 | 1998 |
A matrix factorization technique with trust propagation for recommendation in social networks M Jamali, M Ester Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Recommender systems, 135-142, 2010 | 2028 | 2010 |
Density-based clustering over an evolving data stream with noise F Cao, M Estert, W Qian, A Zhou Proceedings of the 2006 SIAM international conference on data mining, 328-339, 2006 | 1477 | 2006 |
TrustWalker a random walk model for combining trust-based and item-based recommendation M Jamali, M Ester Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2009 | 1221 | 2009 |
Collaborative denoising auto-encoders for top-n recommender systems Y Wu, C DuBois, AX Zheng, M Ester Proceedings of the ninth ACM international conference on web search and data …, 2016 | 1213 | 2016 |
PSORTb v. 2.0: expanded prediction of bacterial protein subcellular localization and insights gained from comparative proteome analysis JL Gardy, MR Laird, F Chen, S Rey, CJ Walsh, M Ester, FSL Brinkman Bioinformatics 21 (5), 617-623, 2005 | 919 | 2005 |
Frequent term-based text clustering F Beil, M Ester, X Xu Proceedings of the eighth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2002 | 844 | 2002 |
Incremental generalization for mining in a data warehousing environment M Ester, R Wittmann Advances in Database Technology—EDBT'98: 6th International Conference on …, 1998 | 830 | 1998 |
Hierarchical document clustering using frequent itemsets BCM Fung, K Wang, M Ester Proceedings of the 2003 SIAM international conference on data mining, 59-70, 2003 | 685 | 2003 |
A distribution-based clustering algorithm for mining in large spatial databases X Xu, M Ester, HP Kriegel, J Sander Proceedings 14th International Conference on Data Engineering, 324-331, 1998 | 600 | 1998 |
PSORT-B: Improving protein subcellular localization prediction for Gram-negative bacteria JL Gardy, C Spencer, K Wang, M Ester, GE Tusnady, I Simon, S Hua, ... Nucleic acids research 31 (13), 3613-3617, 2003 | 560 | 2003 |
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-96) M Ester, HP Kriegel, J Sander, X Xu, E Simoudis, J Han, U Fayyad kdd 96, 226-231, 1996 | 467 | 1996 |
Spatial data mining: A database approach M Ester, HP Kriegel, J Sander Advances in Spatial Databases: 5th International Symposium, SSD'97 Berlin …, 1997 | 443 | 1997 |
SimBoost: a read-across approach for predicting drug–target binding affinities using gradient boosting machines T He, M Heidemeyer, F Ban, A Cherkasov, M Ester Journal of cheminformatics 9, 1-14, 2017 | 421 | 2017 |
Knowledge discovery in databases: Techniken und Anwendungen M Ester, J Sander Springer-Verlag, 2013 | 395 | 2013 |
Catching the best views of skyline: A semantic approach based on decisive subspaces J Pei, W Jin, M Ester, Y Tao Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Very large data bases …, 2005 | 372 | 2005 |
New techniques for the analysis of fine-scaled clustering phenomena within atom probe tomography (APT) data LT Stephenson, MP Moody, PV Liddicoat, SP Ringer Microscopy and Microanalysis 13 (6), 448-463, 2007 | 361 | 2007 |