Wawan S. Suherman
Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Pendidikan Jasmani Teori dan Praktik Pengembangan
WS Suherman
Yogyakarta: FIK UNY, 2004
Development of traditional children play based instructional model to optimize development of kindergarteners’ fundamental motor skill
WS Suherman, G Dapan, NR Muktiani
Cakrawala Pendidikan 38 (2), 356-365, 2019
Pengembangan kurikulum pendidikan jasmani
WS Suherman
Yogyakarta: Fik Uny, 2001
Pengembangan “majeda” berbasis dolanan anak untuk pengoptimalan tumbuh kembang siswa taman kanak-kanak
WS Suherman
Cakrawala Pendidikan, 87458, 2017
Kurikulum pendidikan jasmani dari teori hingga evaluasi kurikulum
WS Suherman, S Winarni, A Rithaudin, AF Pambudi
Depok: PT Rajagrafindo Persada, 2018
JUFRIANIS, and PRATAMA KW Content Validity of the HIIT Training Program in Special Preparations to Improve the Dominant Biomotor Components of Kumite Athletes
D Yudhistira, WS Suherman, A Wiratama, UK Wijaya, FM PARYADI, ...
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9 (5), 1051-1057, 2021
Achievement of Physical Education Learning Results Based on Gender Review and Learning Motivation on High School Students in the Yogyakarta Region, Indonesia
M Martono, WS Suherman, S Nugroho, H Setyawan, S Sulistiyono, ...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 1045-1052, 2024
Effect of the Eight-Week Sand Surface Exercise, Water Surface Exercise, and Power Leg Muscles Training Methods Toward Agility of Basketball Players for Adolescent Players
MIE Salafi, WS Suherman, B Suhartini, MS Antoni, KW Pratama
Physical Education Theory and Methodology 22 (3), 353-359, 2022
Dampak pandemi covid-19 terhadap status gizi pada anak usia dini
J Dini
Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 6 (4), 3024-3033, 2022
Content Validity of the HIIT Training Program in Special Preparations to Improve the Dominant Biomotor Components of Kumite Athletes
D Yudhistira, WS Suherman, A Wiratama, UK Wijaya, P Paryadi, M Faruk, ...
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9 (5), 1051-1057, 2021
Design, Validation, and Reliability of a Basketball Skill and Performance Test Instrument in Adolescent Players
MIE Salafi, WS Suherman, B Suhartini, MS Antoni, KW Pratama, ...
Physical Education Theory and Methodology 23 (5), 668-677, 2023
Physical education online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic: effectiveness, motivation, and learning outcomes
WS Suherman
The International Journal of Social Sciences World (TIJOSSW) 3 (01), 123-137, 2021
Pendidikan jasmani sebagai Pembentuk fondasi yang Kokoh bagi tumbuh kembang anak
WS Suherman
Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar. Yogyakarta: FIK UNY [Fakultas Ilmu …, 2007
Model Aktivitas Jasmine yang Edukatif dan Atraktif Berbasis Dolanan Anak
WS Suherman, Dapan, S Nopembri, NR Muktiani
Development of Tenda IOT174 Volleyball Learning to Improve Cognitive Ability, Fighting Power and Sportivity in College Students
NA Muharram, S Suharjana, DP Irianto, WS Suherman, S Raharjo, ...
Physical Education Theory and Methodology 23 (1), 15-20, 2023
Specifics of basic biomotor components for rhythmic gymnastics
EM Sulistyowati, WS Suherman, ER Sukamti, MI Rahmatullah, D Mitsalina
Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports in conjunction with the …, 2022
E-learning di era pandemi covid-19: Bagaimana aksiologi hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani?
A Gusdernawati, PY Mahatmasari, WS Suherman, A Nasrulloh, ...
Journal of Sport Education (JOPE) 3 (2), 63-74, 2021
Manajemen olahraga
WS Suherman, MP Sulistyono
Yogyakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan UNY, 2002
F., Budiarti, R., & Pranoto, NW (2022). Development of Early Childhood Skills by Guiding Tests in Sports Rhythmic Gymnastics
EM Sulistiyowati, WS Suherman, ER Sukamti, S Ilham
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 10 (2), 253-263, 0
The traditional game learning model for the elementary school student character building
SF Masyhuri, WS Suherman
4th International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical …, 2020
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