Elisha P. Merriam
Elisha P. Merriam
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH/NIH)
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na nih.gov
Maturation of widely distributed brain function subserves cognitive development
B Luna, KR Thulborn, DP Munoz, EP Merriam, KE Garver, NJ Minshew, ...
Neuroimage 13 (5), 786-793, 2001
Prefrontal cortical dysfunction in depression determined by Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance
EP Merriam, ME Thase, GL Haas, MS Keshavan, JA Sweeney
American Journal of Psychiatry 156 (5), 780-782, 1999
Spatial updating in human parietal cortex
EP Merriam, CR Genovese, CL Colby
Neuron 39 (2), 361-373, 2003
Orientation decoding depends on maps, not columns
J Freeman, GJ Brouwer, DJ Heeger, EP Merriam
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (13), 4792-4804, 2011
Maps of visual space in human occipital cortex are retinotopic, not spatiotopic
JL Gardner, EP Merriam, JA Movshon, DJ Heeger
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (15), 3988-3999, 2008
Prioritized maps of space in human frontoparietal cortex
TA Jerde, EP Merriam, AC Riggall, JH Hedges, CE Curtis
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (48), 17382-17390, 2012
Remapping in human visual cortex
EP Merriam, CR Genovese, CL Colby
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (2), 1738-1755, 2007
Spontaneous microsaccades reflect shifts in covert attention
S Yuval-Greenberg, EP Merriam, DJ Heeger
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (41), 13693-13700, 2014
Specific visual subregions of TPJ mediate reorienting of spatial attention
L Dugué, EP Merriam, DJ Heeger, M Carrasco
Cerebral Cortex 28 (7), 2375-2390, 2018
Stimulus–response incompatibility activates cortex proximate to three eye fields
EP Merriam, CL Colby, KR Thulborn, B Luna, CR Olson, JA Sweeney
Neuroimage 13 (5), 794-800, 2001
Temporal eye movement strategies during naturalistic viewing
HX Wang, J Freeman, EP Merriam, U Hasson, DJ Heeger
Journal of vision 12 (1), 16-16, 2012
Differential impact of endogenous and exogenous attention on activity in human visual cortex
L Dugué, EP Merriam, DJ Heeger, M Carrasco
Scientific reports 10 (1), 21274, 2020
Coarse-scale biases for spirals and orientation in human visual cortex
J Freeman, DJ Heeger, EP Merriam
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (50), 19695-19703, 2013
Active vision in parietal and extrastriate cortex
EP Merriam, CL Colby
The Neuroscientist 11 (5), 484-493, 2005
Layer-specific contributions to imagined and executed hand movements in human primary motor cortex
AS Persichetti, JA Avery, L Huber, EP Merriam, A Martin
Current Biology 30 (9), 1721-1725. e3, 2020
Modulation of visual responses by gaze direction in human visual cortex
EP Merriam, JL Gardner, JA Movshon, DJ Heeger
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (24), 9879-9889, 2013
Stimulus vignetting and orientation selectivity in human visual cortex
ZN Roth, DJ Heeger, EP Merriam
Elife 7, e37241, 2018
Spared perilesional V1 activity underlies training-induced recovery of luminance detection sensitivity in cortically-blind patients
A Barbot, A Das, MD Melnick, MR Cavanaugh, EP Merriam, DJ Heeger, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 6102, 2021
Motion direction biases and decoding in human visual cortex
HX Wang, EP Merriam, J Freeman, DJ Heeger
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (37), 12601-12615, 2014
Task-related activity in human visual cortex
ZN Roth, M Ryoo, EP Merriam
PLoS biology 18 (11), e3000921, 2020
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