The selfie paradox: Nobody seems to like them yet everyone has reasons to take them. An exploration of psychological functions of selfies in self-presentation S Diefenbach, L Christoforakos Frontiers in psychology 8, 7, 2017 | 211 | 2017 |
Can robots earn our trust the same way humans do? A systematic exploration of competence, warmth, and anthropomorphism as determinants of trust development in HRI L Christoforakos, A Gallucci, T Surmava-Große, D Ullrich, S Diefenbach Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 640444, 2021 | 109 | 2021 |
Connect with me. exploring influencing factors in a human-technology relationship based on regular chatbot use L Christoforakos, N Feicht, S Hinkofer, A Löscher, SF Schlegl, ... Frontiers in Digital Health 3, 689999, 2021 | 27 | 2021 |
Technology as a social companion? An exploration of individual and product-related factors of anthropomorphism L Christoforakos, S Diefenbach Social Science Computer Review 41 (3), 1039-1062, 2023 | 20 | 2023 |
Idealization effects in UX evaluation at early concept stages: challenges of low-fidelity prototyping L Christoforakos, S Diefenbach Advances in Usability, User Experience and Assistive Technology: Proceedings …, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
Invisible but Understandable: In Search of the Sweet Spot between Technology Invisibility and Transparency in Smart Spaces and Beyond S Diefenbach, L Christoforakos, D Ullrich, A Butz Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 6 (10), 95, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
The state of prototyping practice in the industrial setting: Potential, challenges and implications S Diefenbach, L Christoforakos, B Maisch, K Kohler Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering …, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Sustainability by Design. How to Encourage Users to Choose Energy-Saving Programs and Settings when Washing Laundry L Grönewald, J Weiblen, M Laschke, L Christoforakos, M Hassenzahl Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
Erfolgreiches Prototyping im Ideenstadium der Produktentwicklung L Christoforakos, S Diefenbach Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Digitale Disbalance–Herausforderungen der Smartphone-Ära S Diefenbach, L Christoforakos, D Ullrich Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 36-42, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Fulfilling social needs through anthropomorphic technology? A reflection on existing research and empirical insights of an interview study L Christoforakos, S Diefenbach Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft 77 (1), 78-91, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Potential and Challenges of Prototyping in Product Development and Innovation: Insights from an Expert Discussion among Researchers and Practitioners L Christoforakos, S Tretter, S Diefenbach, SA Bibi, M Fröhner, K Kohler, ... i-com 18 (2), 179-187, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Die Roboterpersönlichkeit-Konzeption, Gestaltung und Evaluation der Persönlichkeit von sozialen Technologien L Christoforakos, S Diefenbach, D Ullrich, M Herzog Gesellschaft für Informatik eV Und German UPA eV, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Effektives Prototyping: Eine Stakeholder-orientierte Perspektive L Christoforakos, S Diefenbach, K Kohler, S Tretter Gesellschaft für Informatik eV Und German UPA eV, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
The thing that made me think: Navigating challenges and embracing opportunities of (pro-) active technology for behavior change in the context of sustainability M Kneile, TM Jürgens, L Christoforakos, M Laschke i-com 22 (2), 161-171, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Das Robot Impression Inventory: Ein modulares Instrument zur Erfassung des subjektiven Eindrucks von Robotern D Ullrich, S Diefenbach, L Christoforakos TUDpress, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Social Robot Personality: A Review and Research Agenda S Diefenbach, M Herzog, D Ullrich, L Christoforakos Emotional Machines: Perspectives from Affective Computing and Emotional …, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Designing Robots with Personality L Christoforakos, S Diefenbach, D Ullrich Meaningful Futures with Robots, 70-78, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Who gets the fame, who is to blame? L Christoforakos, E Borodkow, S Diefenbach | 1 | 2020 |
Robotervertrauen: Eine Exploration vertrauensförderlicher Attribute der Robotergestaltung mittels Clusteranalyse D Ullrich, S Diefenbach, L Christoforakos, T Surmava, C Quintes Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |