Simon Langan
Simon Langan
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
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Global assessment of water challenges under uncertainty in water scarcity projections
P Greve, T Kahil, J Mochizuki, T Schinko, Y Satoh, P Burek, G Fischer, ...
Nature Sustainability 1 (9), 486-494, 2018
Global exposure and vulnerability to multi-sector development and climate change hotspots
E Byers, M Gidden, D Leclère, J Balkovic, P Burek, K Ebi, P Greve, D Grey, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (5), 055012, 2018
Impacts of soil and water conservation practices on crop yield, run-off, soil loss and nutrient loss in Ethiopia: review and synthesis
Z Adimassu, S Langan, R Johnston, W Mekuria, T Amede
Environmental management 59 (1), 87-101, 2017
Variation in river water temperatures in an upland stream over a 30-year period
SJ Langan, L Johnston, MJ Donaghy, AF Youngson, DW Hay, C Soulsby
Science of the Total Environment 265 (1-3), 195-207, 2001
Global resource potential of seasonal pumped hydropower storage for energy and water storage
JD Hunt, E Byers, Y Wada, S Parkinson, DEHJ Gernaat, S Langan, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 947, 2020
Enhancing flood resilience through improved risk communications
JJ O'Sullivan, RA Bradford, M Bonaiuto, S De Dominicis, P Rotko, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (7), 2271-2282, 2012
A review of trends, constraints and opportunities of smallholder irrigation in East Africa
P Nakawuka, S Langan, P Schmitter, J Barron
Global food security 17, 196-212, 2018
Comparison of rainfall estimations by TRMM 3B42, MPEG and CFSR with ground-observed data for the Lake Tana basin in Ethiopia
AW Worqlul, B Maathuis, AA Adem, SS Demissie, S Langan, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (12), 4871-4881, 2014
Vegetated buffer strips can lead to increased release of phosphorus to waters: a biogeochemical assessment of the mechanisms
MI Stutter, SJ Langan, DG Lumsdon
Environmental science & technology 43 (6), 1858-1863, 2009
Assessment of surface water irrigation potential in the Ethiopian highlands: The Lake Tana Basin
AW Worqlul, AS Collick, DG Rossiter, S Langan, TS Steenhuis
Catena 129, 76-85, 2015
An assessment of integrated watershed management in Ethiopia
G Gebregziabher, DA Abera, G Gebresamuel, M Giordano, S Langan
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)., 2016
Global multi-pollutant modelling of water quality: scientific challenges and future directions
M Strokal, JE Spanier, C Kroeze, AA Koelmans, M Flörke, W Franssen, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 36, 116-125, 2019
Understanding determinants of farmers’ investments in sustainable land management practices in Ethiopia: Review and synthesis
Z Adimassu, S Langan, R Johnston
Environment, development and sustainability 18 (4), 1005-1023, 2016
Riparian zone influence on stream water chemistry at different spatial scales: a GIS-based modelling approach, an example for the Dee, NE Scotland
RP Smart, C Soulsby, MS Cresser, AJ Wade, J Townend, MF Billett, ...
Science of the Total Environment 280 (1-3), 173-193, 2001
Spatial contributions of diffuse inputs and within-channel processes to the form of stream water phosphorus over storm events
MI Stutter, SJ Langan, RJ Cooper
Journal of Hydrology 350 (3-4), 203-214, 2008
Comparison between seasonal pumped-storage and conventional reservoir dams from the water, energy and land nexus perspective
JD Hunt, E Byers, K Riahi, S Langan
Energy conversion and management 166, 385-401, 2018
Spatial and temporal dynamics of stream water particulate and dissolved N, P and C forms along a catchment transect, NE Scotland
MI Stutter, SJ Langan, RJ Cooper
Journal of Hydrology 350 (3-4), 187-202, 2008
Evaluation of CFSR, TMPA 3B42 and ground-based rainfall data as input for hydrological models, in data-scarce regions: The upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
AW Worqlul, H Yen, AS Collick, SA Tilahun, S Langan, TS Steenhuis
Catena 152, 242-251, 2017
Factors regulating the spatial and temporal distribution of solute concentrations in a major river system in NE Scotland
RP Smart, C Soulsby, C Neal, A Wade, MS Cresser, MF Billett, SJ Langan, ...
Science of the Total Environment 221 (2-3), 93-110, 1998
The prediction and management of water quality in a relatively unpolluted major Scottish catchment: current issues and experimental approaches
SJ Langan, AJ Wade, R Smart, AC Edwards, C Soulsby, MF Billett, ...
Science of the Total Environment 194, 419-435, 1997
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