Corné Dijkmans
Corné Dijkmans
Researcher Online Communication & New Media Technology - Breda University of Applied Sciences (NL)
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A stage to engage: Social media use and corporate reputation
C Dijkmans, P Kerkhof, CJ Beukeboom
Tourism management 47, 58-67, 2015
Research for TRAN Committee-Overtourism: impact and possible policy responses
P Peeters, S Gössling, J Klijs, C Milano, M Novelli, C Dijkmans, ...
University of Brighton, 2021
The digital skills divide: evidence from the European tourism industry
S Carlisle, S Ivanov, C Dijkmans
Journal of tourism futures 9 (2), 240-266, 2023
Engagement-based loyalty: The effects of social media engagement on customer loyalty in the travel industry
M Van Asperen, P De Rooij, C Dijkmans
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 19 (1), 78-94, 2018
Online conversation and corporate reputation: A two-wave longitudinal study on the effects of exposure to the social media activities of a highly interactive company
C Dijkmans, P Kerkhof, A Buyukcan-Tetik, CJ Beukeboom
Journal of computer-mediated communication 20 (6), 632-648, 2015
Overtourism: Impact and possible policy responses
P Peeters, S Gössling, J Klijs, C Milano, M Novelli, C Dijkmans, ...
Research for TRAN Committee. Retrieved February 23, 19, 2018
Research for TRAN Committee-Overtourism: impact and possible policy responses. European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies
P Peeters, S Gössling, J Klijs, C Milano, M Novelli, C Dijkmans, ...
Retrieved on October 12, 2019, 2018
Adapting to an emerging social media landscape: The rise of informalization of company communication in tourism
C Dijkmans, P Kerkhof, C Beukeboom
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2020: Proceedings of …, 2020
& Postma, A.(2018)
P Peeters, S Gössling, J Klijs, C Milano, M Novelli, C Dijkmans, ...
Research for TRAN Committee-Overtourism: impact and possible policy responses, 2018
Environmental skills gaps in tourism and hospitality organisations: Evidence from Europe
S Carlisle, S Ivanov, C Dijkmans, BML Marco-Lajara
Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 70 (3), 411-431, 2022
Research for tran committee-tourism and the sharing economy: challenges and opportunities for the eu
P Peeters, C Dijkmans, O Mitas, B Strous, J Vinkensteijn
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2015
Buyukcan-Tetik, and CJ Beukeboom. 2015. Online conversation and corporate reputation: A two-wave longitudinal study on the effects of exposure to the social media activities of …
C Dijkmans, PA Kerkhof
Journal of computer-mediated communication 20 (6), 632-48, 0
P Kerkhof, C Dijkmans
Oxford bibliographies in communication, 2019
Social media-inzet door KLM: De relatie met online engagement en bedrijfsreputatie
C Dijkmans, P Kerkhof, CJ Beukeboom
Vrijetijdsstudies 33 (2), 23-36, 2015
VU Research Portal
P Kerkhof, C Dijkmans
A stage to engage: Social media use, social media engagement and corporate reputation
C Dijkmans, P Kerkhof, CJ Beukeboom
64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association …, 2014
Tourism Skills Profile Report for the Netherlands.
C Dijkmans, L Elbers, R de Vrieze-McBean
Pantour Consortium, 2024
Sectoral Skills Intelligence Monitor for Tourism.
C Dijkmans, L Elbers, R de Vrieze-McBean
Pantour Consortium, 2024
Connecting minds and creating the future: towards a THE-ICE Network of Virtual Lecturer Exchange (VLE).
L Roovers-Martens, C Dijkmans, SC Vollenbronck
Connecting Minds and Creating the Future., 2022
Digital Realities at BUas: Contribution to a BUas R&D agenda on immersive technologies
J Weppner, N Nesterova, MS Van Gisbergen, I Mayer, M Bastiaansen, ...
BUas (Breda University of Applied Sciences), 2022
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