Nadir Fergani
Nadir Fergani
Research Centre In Industrial Technologies (CRTI)
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A new time–frequency method for identification and classification of ball bearing faults
I Attoui, N Fergani, N Boutasseta, B Oudjani, A Deliou
Journal of Sound and Vibration 397, 241-265, 2017
Novel predictive features using a wrapper model for rolling bearing fault diagnosis based on vibration signal analysis
I Attoui, B Oudjani, N Boutasseta, N Fergani, MS Bouakkaz, A Bouraiou
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 106, 3409-3435, 2020
Dynamic performance evaluation and improvement of PV energy generation systems using Moth Flame Optimization with combined fractional order PID and sliding mode controller
MS Bouakkaz, A Boukadoum, O Boudebbouz, N Fergani, N Boutasseta, ...
Solar Energy 199, 411-424, 2020
Fractional order PID controller design for wind turbine systems using analytical and computational tuning approaches
ML Frikh, F Soltani, N Bensiali, N Boutasseta, N Fergani
Computers and Electrical Engineering 95, 107410, 2021
Process step response based fractional PIλDμ controller parameters tuning for desired closed loop response
N Fergani, A Charef
International Journal of Systems Science 47 (3), 521-532, 2016
Vibration-based bearing fault diagnosis by an integrated DWT-FFT approach and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
I Attoui, N Boutasseta, N Fergani, B Oudjani, A Deliou
2015 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information …, 2015
Novel machinery monitoring strategy based on time–frequency domain similarity measurement with limited labeled data
I Attoui, N Boutasseta, N Fergani
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-8, 2020
Photovoltaic energy generation systems monitoring and performance optimization using wireless sensors network and metaheuristics
A Derdar, N Bensiali, M Adjabi, N Boutasseta, MS Bouakkaz, I Attoui, ...
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 35, 100684, 2022
Vibration-based gearbox fault diagnosis by DWPT and PCA approaches and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
I Attoui, A Boudiaf, N Fergani, B Oudjani, N Boutasseta, A Deliou
2015 16th international conference on sciences and techniques of automatic …, 2015
PIλDμ controller tuning for desired closed-loop response using impulse response
A Charef, N Fergani
Workshop on Fractional Derivation and Applications, 350-371, 2010
Solar energy conversion systems optimization using novel jellyfish based maximum power tracking strategy
N Boutasseta, MS Bouakkaz, N Fergani, I Attoui, A Bouraiou, A Neçaibia
Procedia Computer Science 194, 80-88, 2021
Practical implementation of computational algorithms for efficient power conversion in photovoltaic energy generation systems
N Boutasseta, MS Bouakkaz, A Bouraiou, A Neçaibia, I Attoui, N Fergani
2020 international conference on computing and information technology (ICCIT …, 2020
Direct synthesis-based fractional-order PID controller design: Application to AVR system
N Fergani
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 10 (6), 2124-2138, 2022
ANFIS-based maximum power point tracking using genetic algorithm tuned fractional-order proportional-integral-derivative controller and on-site measured climatic data
MS Bouakkaz, A Boukadoum, O Boudebbouz, N Boutasseta, I Attoui, ...
International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment 22 (4), 2021
Experimental evaluation of moth-flame optimization based GMPPT algorithm for photovoltaic systems subject to various operating conditions
N Boutasseta, MS Bouakkaz, N Fergani, I Attoui, A Bouraiou, A Neçaibia
Applied Solar Energy 58 (1), 1-14, 2022
Rolling bearing fault diagnosis based on improved complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition
I Attoui, N Fergani, B Oudjani, A Deliou
2016 4th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information …, 2016
Implementation of MPPT Methods for improving the Performance of Photovoltaic Systems
N Boutasseta, MS Bouakkaz, I Attoui, N Fergani, A Bouraiou, A Necaibia
2021 International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics and …, 2021
PI D Controller Tuning For Desired Closed-Loop Response Using Impulse Response
A Charef, N Fergani
Proceedings of Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, 2010
Multiclass support vector machine based bearing fault detection using vibration signal analysis
I Attoui, N Fergani, N Boutasseta, B Oudjani, MS Bouakkaz, A Bouraiou
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2021
Bearing Fault Detection and Classification Based on Vibration Signal Analysis and ANFIS Classifier
I Attoui, N Boutasseta, N Fergani, B Oudjani, MS Bouakkaz, A Bouraiou
2022 19th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2022
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