Mikko Sams
Mikko Sams
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Aalto University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na aalto.fi
Auditory frequency discrimination and event-related potentials
M Sams, P Paavilainen, K Alho, R Näätänen
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials …, 1985
Musicians have enhanced subcortical auditory and audiovisual processing of speech and music
G Musacchia, M Sams, E Skoe, N Kraus
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (40), 15894-15898, 2007
Emotions promote social interaction by synchronizing brain activity across individuals
L Nummenmaa, E Glerean, M Viinikainen, IP Jääskeläinen, R Hari, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (24), 9599-9604, 2012
Seeing speech: visual information from lip movements modifies activity in the human auditory cortex
M Sams, R Aulanko, M Hämäläinen, R Hari, OV Lounasmaa, ST Lu, ...
Neuroscience letters 127 (1), 141-145, 1991
Functional organization of the human first and second somatosensory cortices: a neuromagnetic study
R Hari, J Karhu, M Hämäläinen, J Knuutila, O Salonen, M Sams, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 5 (6), 724-734, 1993
Discrete neural signatures of basic emotions
H Saarimäki, A Gotsopoulos, IP Jääskeläinen, J Lampinen, P Vuilleumier, ...
Cerebral cortex 26 (6), 2563-2573, 2016
Large-scale brain networks emerge from dynamic processing of musical timbre, key and rhythm
V Alluri, P Toiviainen, IP Jääskeläinen, E Glerean, M Sams, E Brattico
Neuroimage 59 (4), 3677-3689, 2012
Responses of the primary auditory cortex to pitch changes in a sequence of tone pips: neuromagnetic recordings in man
R Hari, M Hämäläinen, R Ilmoniemi, E Kaukoranta, K Reinikainen, ...
Neuroscience letters 50 (1-3), 127-132, 1984
The human auditory sensory memory trace persists about 10 sec: neuromagnetic evidence
M Sams, R Hari, J Rif, J Knuutila
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 5 (3), 363-370, 1993
Dynamics of brain activation during picture naming
R Salmelin, R Hari, OV Lounasmaa, M Sams
Nature 368 (6470), 463-465, 1994
Do event-related potentials reveal the mechanism of the auditory sensory memory in the human brain?
R Näätänen, P Paavilainen, K Alho, K Reinikainen, M Sams
Neuroscience letters 98 (2), 217-221, 1989
Task-modulated “what” and “where” pathways in human auditory cortex
J Ahveninen, IP Jääskeläinen, T Raij, G Bonmassar, S Devore, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (39), 14608-14613, 2006
Right hemisphere dominance of different mismatch negativities
P Paavilainen, K Alho, K Reinikainen, M Sams, R Näätänen
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology 78 (6), 466-479, 1991
Primary auditory cortex activation by visual speech: an fMRI study at 3 T
J Pekkola, V Ojanen, T Autti, IP Jääskeläinen, R Möttönen, A Tarkiainen, ...
Neuroreport 16 (2), 125-128, 2005
Functional magnetic resonance imaging phase synchronization as a measure of dynamic functional connectivity
E Glerean, J Salmi, JM Lahnakoski, IP Jääskeläinen, M Sams
Brain connectivity 2 (2), 91-101, 2012
Face-selective processing in human extrastriate cortex around 120 ms after stimulus onset revealed by magneto-and electroencephalography
K Linkenkaer-Hansen, JM Palva, M Sams, JK Hietanen, HJ Aronen, ...
Neuroscience letters 253 (3), 147-150, 1998
Deviant auditory stimuli activate human left and right auditory cortex differently
S Levänen, A Ahonen, R Hari, L McEvoy, M Sams
Cerebral Cortex 6 (2), 288-296, 1996
Factors influencing audiovisual fission and fusion illusions
TS Andersen, K Tiippana, M Sams
Cognitive Brain Research 21 (3), 301-308, 2004
Social laughter triggers endogenous opioid release in humans
S Manninen, L Tuominen, RI Dunbar, T Karjalainen, J Hirvonen, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (25), 6125-6131, 2017
Naturalistic fMRI mapping reveals superior temporal sulcus as the hub for the distributed brain network for social perception
JM Lahnakoski, E Glerean, J Salmi, IP Jääskeläinen, M Sams, R Hari, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 233, 2012
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