Scientific concepts for an integrated analysis of desertification JF Reynolds, A Grainger, DM Stafford Smith, G Bastin, L Garcia‐Barrios, ... Land degradation & development 22 (2), 166-183, 2011 | 206 | 2011 |
Organic matter in the soils of Southern Europe P Zdruli, RJA Jones, L Montanarella Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004 | 153 | 2004 |
Land resources of the Mediterranean: status, pressures, trends and impacts on future regional development P Zdruli Land Degradation & Development 25 (4), 373-384, 2014 | 142 | 2014 |
A review of coupled hydrologic and crop growth models SM Siad, V Iacobellis, P Zdruli, A Gioia, I Stavi, G Hoogenboom Agricultural Water Management 224, 105746, 2019 | 123 | 2019 |
Global drivers setting desertification research priorities: insights from a stakeholder consultation forum A Bisaro, M Kirk, P Zdruli, W Zimmermann Land Degradation & Development 25 (1), 5-16, 2014 | 92 | 2014 |
Observations on soil and groundwater contamination with nitrate: A case study from Lebanon-East Mediterranean T Darwish, T Atallah, R Francis, C Saab, I Jomaa, A Shaaban, H Sakka, ... Agricultural Water Management 99 (1), 74-84, 2011 | 82 | 2011 |
Multifaceted impacts of sustainable land management in drylands: a review MJ Marques, G Schwilch, N Lauterburg, S Crittenden, M Tesfai, J Stolte, ... Sustainability 8 (2), 177, 2016 | 70 | 2016 |
Soil quality and soil productivity in Africa H Eswaran, R Almaraz, P Reich, P Zdruli Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 10 (4), 75-90, 1997 | 57 | 1997 |
New world atlas of desertification and issues of carbon sequestration, organic carbon stocks, nutrient depletion and implications for food security P Zdruli, R Lal, M Cherlet, S Kapur Carbon management, technologies, and trends in mediterranean ecosystems, 13-25, 2017 | 53 | 2017 |
The soils of Palestine (The West Bank and Gaza Strip) current status and future perspectives B Dudeen, C Lacirignola, L Montanarella, P Steduto, P Zdruli Soil Resources of Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries, 203-233, 2001 | 53 | 2001 |
A comparative multidimensional evaluation of conservation agriculture systems: A case study from a Mediterranean area of Southern Italy A Vastola, P Zdruli, M D’Amico, G Pappalardo, M Viccaro, F Di Napoli, ... Land use policy 68, 326-333, 2017 | 50 | 2017 |
Land degradation and desertification: Assessment, mitigation and remediation P Zdruli, M Pagliai, S Kapur, AF Cano Springer Netherlands, 2010 | 48 | 2010 |
Plastic film mulch promotes high alfalfa production with phosphorus-saving and low risk of soil nitrogen loss YJ Gu, CL Han, M Kong, XY Shi, P Zdruli, FM Li Field Crops Research 229, 44-54, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
Soils of the Mediterranean region, their characteristics, management and sustainable use P Zdruli, S Kapur, I Çelik Sustainable land management: learning from the past for the future, 125-142, 2011 | 41 | 2011 |
Soil erosion in Europe N Yassouglou, L Montanarella, G Govers, G Van Lynden, P Zdruli, ... Report Prepared by the Soil Erosion Working Group of The European Soil …, 1998 | 41 | 1998 |
Impacts of land cover change on soil quality of manmade soils cultivated with table grapes in the Apulia Region of south-eastern Italy P Zdruli, J Calabrese, G Ladisa, A Otekhile Catena 121, 13-21, 2014 | 39 | 2014 |
An overview of land degradation and sustainable land management in the near East and North Africa FM Ziadat, P Zdruli, S Christiansen, L Caon, M Abdel Monem, T Fetsi Sustainable Agriculture Research 11 (1), 11-24, 2022 | 36 | 2022 |
Organic carbon content and rates of sequestration in soils of Albania P Zdruli, H Eswaran, J Kimble Soil Science Society of America Journal 59 (6), 1684-1687, 1995 | 33 | 1995 |
A preliminary study of gross alpha/beta activity concentrations in drinking waters from Albania F Cfarku, G Xhixha, E Bylyku, P Zdruli, F Mantovani, F Përpunja, ... Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 301, 435-442, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |
Land use change, a case study from southern Italy: general implications for agricultural subsidy policies O Shelef, I Stavi, P Zdruli, S Rachmilevitch Land Degradation & Development 27 (4), 868-870, 2016 | 31 | 2016 |