Nykolay Makarov
Nykolay Makarov
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Instituto de Ciencias, Puebla, México.
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na correo.buap.mx
Anomalous localization in low-dimensional systems with correlated disorder
FM Izrailev, AA Krokhin, NM Makarov
Physics Reports 512 (3), 125-254, 2012
Localization in Correlated Bilayer Structures: From Photonic Crystals<? format?> to Metamaterials and Semiconductor Superlattices
FM Izrailev, NM Makarov
Physical review letters 102 (20), 203901, 2009
Effect of microstructure on the magnetic-field dependence of the local critical current density in YBa2Cu3O7-\delta superconductors
LM Fisher, VS Gorbachev, NV Il'in, NM Makarov, IF Voloshin, ...
Phys. Rev. B 46 (17), 10986, 1992
Anomalous transport in low-dimensional systems with correlated disorder
FM Izrailev, NM Makarov
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (49), 10613, 2005
One dimensional Kronig-Penney model with positional disorder: Theory versus experiment
GA Luna-Acosta, FM Izrailev, NM Makarov, U Kuhl, HJ Stöckmann
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (11), 115112, 2009
Classical and quantum size effects in electron conductivity of films with rough boundaries
NM Makarov, AV Moroz, VA Yampol’skii
Physical Review B 52 (8), 6087, 1995
Electron localization in narrow surface-corrugated conducting channels: Manifestation of competing scattering mechanisms
NM Makarov, YV Tarasov
Physical Review B 64 (23), 235306, 2001
Collapse of superconducting current in high-Tc ceramics in alternating magnetic field
IV Baltaga, NM Makarov, VA Yampol'skii, LM Fisher, NV Il'in, IF Voloshin
Physics Letters A 148 (3-4), 213-216, 1990
Conductance of a single-mode electron waveguide with statistically identical rough boundaries
NM Makarov, YV Tarasov
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (7), 1523, 1998
Microwave realization of quasi-one-dimensional systems with correlated disorder
O Dietz, U Kuhl, HJ Stöckmann, NM Makarov, FM Izrailev
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (13), 134203, 2011
Nonlocal effects in the electrodynamics of metallic slabs
A Paredes-Juárez, F Días-Monge, NM Makarov, F Pérez-Rodríguez
JETP letters 90, 623-627, 2010
Selective transparency of single-mode waveguides with surface scattering
FM Izrailev, NM Makarov
Optics Letters 26 (20), 1604-1606, 2001
Onset of delocalization in quasi-one-dimensional waveguides with correlated surface disorder
FM Izrailev, NM Makarov
Physical Review B 67 (11), 113402, 2003
The spectrum and damming of surface electron states in a magnetic field
EA Kaner, NM Makarov, IM Fuks
ZhETF 55, 931-941, 1968
Generation of correlated binary sequences from white noise
FM Izrailev, AA Krokhin, NM Makarov, OV Usatenko
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (2 …, 2007
On the applicability of the critical state model to the description of electromagnetic properties of high-Tc superconductors
LM Fisher, NV Il'in, IF Voloshin, NM Makarov, VA Yampol'skii, ...
Physica C 206 (3, 4), 195, 1993
Gradient and amplitude scattering in surface-corrugated waveguides
FM Izrailev, NM Makarov, M Rendon
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (4), 041403, 2005
Direct observation of the compression of a transport current by an alternating magnetic field
IF Voloshin, NV Il'in, NM Makarov, LM Fisher, VA Yampol'skii
JETP letters 53 (2), 115-118, 1991
Manifestation of the roughness-square-gradient scattering in surface-corrugated waveguides
FM Izrailev, NM Makarov, M Rendón
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (15), 155421, 2006
Nonlinear electrodynamics of metals at low temperatures
NM Makarov, VA Iampol'Skii
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 17, 547-618, 1991
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