W. Richard McCombie
W. Richard McCombie
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na cshl.edu
Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome
US DOE Joint Genome Institute: Hawkins Trevor 4 Branscomb Elbert 4 Predki ...
nature 409 (6822), 860-921, 2001
Analysis of the genome sequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana
Arabidopsis Genome Initiative genomeanalysis@ tgr. org genomeanalysis@ gsf. de
nature 408 (6814), 796-815, 2000
Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome
European Bioinformatics Institute: Birney Ewan 3 Goldman Nick 3 Kasprzyk ...
Nature 420 (6915), 520-562, 2002
PTEN, a putative protein tyrosine phosphatase gene mutated in human brain, breast, and prostate cancer
J Li, C Yen, D Liaw, K Podsypanina, S Bose, SI Wang, J Puc, C Miliaresis, ...
science 275 (5308), 1943-1947, 1997
Coming of age: ten years of next-generation sequencing technologies
S Goodwin, JD McPherson, WR McCombie
Nature reviews genetics 17 (6), 333-351, 2016
The B73 maize genome: complexity, diversity, and dynamics
PS Schnable, D Ware, RS Fulton, JC Stein, F Wei, S Pasternak, C Liang, ...
science 326 (5956), 1112-1115, 2009
Complementary DNA sequencing: expressed sequence tags and human genome project
MD Adams, JM Kelley, JD Gocayne, M Dubnick, MH Polymeropoulos, ...
Science 252 (5013), 1651-1656, 1991
The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution
xx Tomato Genome Consortium
Nature 485 (7400), 635, 2012
Tumour evolution inferred by single-cell sequencing
N Navin, J Kendall, J Troge, P Andrews, L Rodgers, J McIndoo, K Cook, ...
Nature 472 (7341), 90-94, 2011
The contribution of de novo coding mutations to autism spectrum disorder
I Iossifov, BJ O’roak, SJ Sanders, M Ronemus, N Krumm, D Levy, ...
Nature 515 (7526), 216-221, 2014
The genome sequence of Schizosaccharomyces pombe
V Wood, R Gwilliam, MA Rajandream, M Lyne, R Lyne, A Stewart, ...
Nature 415 (6874), 871-880, 2002
Improvement of the Oryza sativa Nipponbare reference genome using next generation sequence and optical map data
Y Kawahara, M de la Bastide, JP Hamilton, H Kanamori, WR McCombie, ...
Rice 6, 1-10, 2013
De novo gene disruptions in children on the autistic spectrum
I Iossifov, M Ronemus, D Levy, Z Wang, I Hakker, J Rosenbaum, ...
Neuron 74 (2), 285-299, 2012
Role of transposable elements in heterochromatin and epigenetic control
Z Lippman, AV Gendrel, M Black, MW Vaughn, N Dedhia, ...
Nature 430 (6998), 471-476, 2004
Analysis of the bread wheat genome using whole-genome shotgun sequencing
R Brenchley, M Spannagl, M Pfeifer, GLA Barker, R D’Amore, AM Allen, ...
Nature 491 (7426), 705-710, 2012
Inactivation of the apoptosis effector Apaf-1 in malignant melanoma
MS Soengas, P Capodieci, D Polsky, J Mora, M Esteller, X Opitz-Araya, ...
Nature 409 (6817), 207-211, 2001
Hybrid error correction and de novo assembly of single-molecule sequencing reads
S Koren, MC Schatz, BP Walenz, J Martin, JT Howard, G Ganapathy, ...
Nature biotechnology 30 (7), 693-700, 2012
Improved maize reference genome with single-molecule technologies
Y Jiao, P Peluso, J Shi, T Liang, MC Stitzer, B Wang, MS Campbell, ...
Nature 546 (7659), 524-527, 2017
Draft genome sequence of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), an orphan legume crop of resource-poor farmers
RK Varshney, W Chen, Y Li, AK Bharti, RK Saxena, JA Schlueter, ...
Nature biotechnology 30 (1), 83, 2012
Specialized piRNA pathways act in germline and somatic tissues of the Drosophila ovary
CD Malone, J Brennecke, M Dus, A Stark, WR McCombie, ...
Cell 137 (3), 522-535, 2009
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