Jörg Müller
Jörg Müller
Biologe, Heinz Sielmann Foundation
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na sielmann-stiftung.de - Domača stran
Biodiversity at multiple trophic levels is needed for ecosystem multifunctionality
S Soliveres, F Van Der Plas, P Manning, D Prati, MM Gossner, SC Renner, ...
Nature 536 (7617), 456-459, 2016
Land-use intensification causes multitrophic homogenization of grassland communities
MM Gossner, TM Lewinsohn, T Kahl, F Grassein, S Boch, D Prati, ...
Nature 540 (7632), 266-269, 2016
A quantitative index of land-use intensity in grasslands: Integrating mowing, grazing and fertilization
N Blüthgen, CF Dormann, D Prati, VH Klaus, T Kleinebecker, N Hölzel, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 13 (3), 207-220, 2012
Interannual variation in land-use intensity enhances grassland multidiversity
E Allan, O Bossdorf, CF Dormann, D Prati, MM Gossner, T Tscharntke, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (1), 308-313, 2014
The impact of even‐aged and uneven‐aged forest management on regional biodiversity of multiple taxa in European beech forests
P Schall, MM Gossner, S Heinrichs, M Fischer, S Boch, D Prati, K Jung, ...
Journal of applied Ecology 55 (1), 267-278, 2018
Direct and productivity‐mediated indirect effects of fertilization, mowing and grazing on grassland species richness
SA Socher, D Prati, S Boch, J Müller, VH Klaus, N Hölzel, M Fischer
Journal of Ecology 100 (6), 1391-1399, 2012
Interacting effects of fertilization, mowing and grazing on plant species diversity of 1500 grasslands in Germany differ between regions
SA Socher, D Prati, S Boch, J Müller, H Baumbach, S Gockel, A Hemp, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 14 (2), 126-136, 2013
Factors controlling decomposition rates of fine root litter in temperate forests and grasslands
EF Solly, I Schöning, S Boch, E Kandeler, S Marhan, B Michalzik, J Müller, ...
Plant and Soil 382, 203-218, 2014
Intransitive competition is widespread in plant communities and maintains their species richness
S Soliveres, FT Maestre, W Ulrich, P Manning, S Boch, MA Bowker, ...
Ecology letters 18 (8), 790-798, 2015
Locally rare species influence grassland ecosystem multifunctionality
S Soliveres, P Manning, D Prati, MM Gossner, F Alt, H Arndt, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
High plant species richness indicates management-related disturbances rather than the conservation status of forests
S Boch, D Prati, J Müller, S Socher, H Baumbach, F Buscot, S Gockel, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 14 (6), 496-505, 2013
Waldartenlisten der Farn-und Blütenpflanzen, Moose und Flechten Deutschlands
WU Kriebitzsch, J Ewald
BfN, 2011
Specialisation and diversity of multiple trophic groups are promoted by different forest features
C Penone, E Allan, S Soliveres, MR Felipe‐Lucia, MM Gossner, S Seibold, ...
Ecology letters 22 (1), 170-180, 2019
Effects of forest management on ground-dwelling beetles (Coleoptera; Carabidae, Staphylinidae) in Central Europe are mainly mediated by changes in forest structure
M Lange, M Türke, E Pašalić, S Boch, D Hessenmöller, J Müller, D Prati, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 329, 166-176, 2014
Soil fauna feeding activity in temperate grassland soils increases with legume and grass species richness
K Birkhofer, T Diekötter, S Boch, M Fischer, J Müller, S Socher, V Wolters
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (10), 2200-2207, 2011
Grassland management intensification weakens the associations among the diversities of multiple plant and animal taxa
P Manning, MM Gossner, O Bossdorf, E Allan, YY Zhang, D Prati, ...
Ecology 96 (6), 1492-1501, 2015
Habitat use of large ungulates in northeastern Germany in relation to forest management
E Heinze, S Boch, M Fischer, D Hessenmöller, B Klenk, J Müller, D Prati, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 261 (2), 288-296, 2011
NIRS meets Ellenberg's indicator values: Prediction of moisture and nitrogen values of agricultural grassland vegetation by means of near-infrared spectral characteristics
VH Klaus, T Kleinebecker, S Boch, J Müller, SA Socher, D Prati, M Fischer, ...
Ecological Indicators 14 (1), 82-86, 2012
Soil property and management effects on grassland microbial communities across a latitudinal gradient in Germany
N Herold, I Schöning, J Gutknecht, F Alt, S Boch, J Müller, Y Oelmann, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 73, 41-50, 2014
Nutrient concentrations and fibre contents of plant community biomass reflect species richness patterns along a broad range of land-use intensities among agricultural grasslands
VH Klaus, T Kleinebecker, N Hölzel, N Blüthgen, S Boch, J Müller, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 13 (4), 287-295, 2011
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