T. Jennewein
T. Jennewein
University of Waterloo
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na iqc.ca
Violation of Bell's inequality under strict Einstein locality conditions
G Weihs, T Jennewein, C Simon, H Weinfurter, A Zeilinger
Physical Review Letters 81 (23), 5039, 1998
Strong loophole-free test of local realism
LK Shalm, E Meyer-Scott, BG Christensen, P Bierhorst, MA Wayne, ...
Physical review letters 115 (25), 250402, 2015
Entanglement-based quantum communication over 144 km
R Ursin, F Tiefenbacher, T Schmitt-Manderbach, H Weier, T Scheidl, ...
Nature physics 3 (7), 481-486, 2007
Quantum cryptography with entangled photons
T Jennewein, C Simon, G Weihs, H Weinfurter, A Zeilinger
Physical review letters 84 (20), 4729, 2000
Simplifying quantum logic using higher-dimensional Hilbert spaces
BP Lanyon, M Barbieri, MP Almeida, T Jennewein, TC Ralph, KJ Resch, ...
Nature Physics 5 (2), 134-140, 2009
Quantum teleportation over 143 kilometres using active feed-forward
XS Ma, T Herbst, T Scheidl, D Wang, S Kropatschek, W Naylor, ...
Nature 489 (7415), 269-273, 2012
A fast and compact quantum random number generator
T Jennewein, U Achleitner, G Weihs, H Weinfurter, A Zeilinger
Review of Scientific Instruments 71 (4), 1675-1680, 2000
A wavelength-tunable fiber-coupled source of narrowband entangled photons
A Fedrizzi, T Herbst, A Poppe, T Jennewein, A Zeilinger
Optics Express 15 (23), 15377-15386, 2007
Experimental quantum cryptography with qutrits
S Gröblacher, T Jennewein, A Vaziri, G Weihs, A Zeilinger
New Journal of Physics 8 (5), 75, 2006
Longer-baseline telescopes using quantum repeaters
D Gottesman, T Jennewein, S Croke
Physical review letters 109 (7), 070503, 2012
Quantum teleportation across the Danube
R Ursin, T Jennewein, M Aspelmeyer, R Kaltenbaek, M Lindenthal, ...
Nature 430 (7002), 849-849, 2004
High-speed linear optics quantum computing using active feed-forward
R Prevedel, P Walther, F Tiefenbacher, P Böhi, R Kaltenbaek, ...
Nature 445 (7123), 65-69, 2007
Experimental nonlocality proof of quantum teleportation and entanglement swapping
T Jennewein, G Weihs, JW Pan, A Zeilinger
Physical Review Letters 88 (1), 17903, 2001
Experimental verification of the feasibility of a quantum channel between space and Earth
P Villoresi, T Jennewein, F Tamburini, M Aspelmeyer, C Bonato, R Ursin, ...
New Journal of Physics 10 (3), 033038, 2008
Concentration of higher dimensional entanglement: qutrits of photon orbital angular momentum
A Vaziri, JW Pan, T Jennewein, G Weihs, A Zeilinger
Physical Review Letters 91 (22), 227902, 2003
Long-distance quantum communication with entangled photons using satellites
M Aspelmeyer, T Jennewein, M Pfennigbauer, WR Leeb, A Zeilinger
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 9 (6), 1541-1551, 2003
Experimental delayed-choice entanglement swapping
X Ma, S Zotter, J Kofler, R Ursin, T Jennewein, Č Brukner, A Zeilinger
Nature Physics 8 (6), 479-484, 2012
Practical quantum key distribution with polarization-entangled photons
A Poppe, A Fedrizzi, T Lorünser, O Maurhardt, R Ursin, HR Böhm, M Peev, ...
Optics Express 12 (16), 3865-3871, 2004
Violation of local realism with freedom of choice
T Scheidl, R Ursin, J Kofler, S Ramelow, XS Ma, T Herbst, L Ratschbacher, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (46), 19708-19713, 2010
Long-distance free-space distribution of quantum entanglement
M Aspelmeyer, HR Böhm, T Gyatso, T Jennewein, R Kaltenbaek, ...
Science 301 (5633), 621-623, 2003
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