Aaron Weiskittel
Aaron Weiskittel
University of Maine, Center for Research on Sustainable Forests
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Forest growth and yield modeling
AR Weiskittel, DW Hann, JA Kershaw Jr, JK Vanclay
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Addressing climate change in the forest vegetation simulator to assess impacts on landscape forest dynamics
NL Crookston, GE Rehfeldt, GE Dixon, AR Weiskittel
Forest Ecology and Management 260 (7), 1198-1211, 2010
Layer stacking: A novel algorithm for individual forest tree segmentation from LiDAR point clouds
E Ayrey, S Fraver, JA Kershaw Jr, LS Kenefic, D Hayes, AR Weiskittel, ...
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 43 (1), 16-27, 2017
Comparison of model forms for estimating stem taper and volume in the primary conifer species of the North American Acadian Region
R Li, AR Weiskittel
Annals of forest science 67 (3), 302, 2010
An evidence-based review of timber harvesting behavior among private woodland owners
EJ Silver, JE Leahy, AR Weiskittel, CL Noblet, DB Kittredge
Journal of Forestry 113 (5), 490-499, 2015
Linking climate, gross primary productivity, and site index across forests of the western United States
AR Weiskittel, NL Crookston, PJ Radtke
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (8), 1710-1721, 2011
Regional stem taper equations for eleven conifer species in the Acadian region of North America: development and assessment
R Li, A Weiskittel, AR Dick, JA Kershaw Jr, RS Seymour
Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 29 (1), 5-14, 2012
A call to improve methods for estimating tree biomass for regional and national assessments
AR Weiskittel, DW MacFarlane, PJ Radtke, DLR Affleck, H Temesgen, ...
Journal of Forestry 113 (4), 414-424, 2015
New England and northern New York forest ecosystem vulnerability assessment and synthesis: a report from the New England Climate Change Response Framework project
MK Janowiak, AW D'Amato, CW Swanston, L Iverson, FR Thompson, ...
Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-173. Newtown Square, PA: US Department of Agriculture …, 2018
Sources of variation in the self-thinning boundary line for three species with varying levels of shade tolerance
A Weiskittel, P Gould, H Temesgen
Forest Science 55 (1), 84-93, 2009
Effects of weather conditions on tourism spending: implications for future trends under climate change
E Wilkins, S de Urioste-Stone, A Weiskittel, T Gabe
Journal of Travel Research 57 (8), 1042-1053, 2018
Maximum and largest crown width equations for 15 tree species in Maine
MB Russell, AR Weiskittel
Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 28 (2), 84-91, 2011
Annualized diameter and height growth equations for Pacific Northwest plantation-grown Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and red alder
AR Weiskittel, SM Garber, GP Johnson, DA Maguire, RA Monserud
Forest Ecology and Management 250 (3), 266-278, 2007
Linking annual tree growth with eddy-flux measures of net ecosystem productivity across twenty years of observation in a mixed conifer forest
A Teets, S Fraver, DY Hollinger, AR Weiskittel, RS Seymour, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 249, 479-487, 2018
Modeling annualized occurrence, frequency, and composition of ingrowth using mixed-effects zero-inflated models and permanent plots in the Acadian Forest Region of North America
R Li, AR Weiskittel, JA Kershaw Jr
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 (10), 2077-2089, 2011
Modeling crown structural responses to competing vegetation control, thinning, fertilization, and Swiss needle cast in coastal Douglas-fir of the Pacific Northwest, USA
AR Weiskittel, DA Maguire, RA Monserud
Forest Ecology and Management 245 (1-3), 96-109, 2007
Response of branch growth and mortality to silvicultural treatments in coastal Douglas-fir plantations: Implications for predicting tree growth
AR Weiskittel, DA Maguire, RA Monserud
Forest Ecology and Management 251 (3), 182-194, 2007
Estimating and predicting bark thickness for seven conifer species in the Acadian Region of North America using a mixed-effects modeling approach: comparison of model forms and …
R Li, AR Weiskittel
European Journal of Forest Research 130, 219-233, 2011
Effect of wide spacing on tree growth, branch and sapwood properties of young Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] in south-western Germany
S Hein, AR Weiskittel, U Kohnle
European journal of forest research 127 (6), 481-493, 2008
Long-term effects of precommercial thinning on stem form, volume, and branch characteristics of red spruce and balsam fir crop trees
A Weiskittel, LS Kenefic, RS Seymour, LM Phillips
Silva Fennica. 43 (3): 397-409. 43 (3), 397-409, 2009
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