Michael C. Burl
Michael C. Burl
Principal Member of Technical Staff, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na jpl.nasa.gov
Finding faces in cluttered scenes using random labeled graph matching
TK Leung, MC Burl, P Perona
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 637-644, 1995
Optimal speckle reduction in polarimetric SAR imagery
LM Novak, MC Burl
Twenty-Second Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2, 781-793, 1988
Optimal polarimetric processing for enhanced target detection
LM Novak, MC Burl, WW Irving
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 29 (1), 234-244, 1993
A probabilistic approach to object recognition using local photometry and global geometry
MC Burl, M Weber, P Perona
Computer Vision—ECCV’98: 5th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1998
Inferring ground truth from subjective labelling of venus images
P Smyth, U Fayyad, M Burl, P Perona, P Baldi
Advances in neural information processing systems 7, 1994
Entropy-based active learning for object recognition
A Holub, P Perona, MC Burl
2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2008
Systems and methods for the automated sensing of motion in a mobile robot using visual data
MC Burl, P Pirjanian
US Patent 7,162,056, 2007
Face localization via shape statistics
MC Burl, TK Leung, P Perona
Int. Workshop on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 154-159, 1995
Recognition of planar object classes
MC Burl, P Perona
Proceedings CVPR IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1996
Aegis automated science targeting for the mer opportunity rover
TA Estlin, BJ Bornstein, DM Gaines, RC Anderson, DR Thompson, M Burl, ...
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 3 (3), 1-19, 2012
On the performance of polarimetric target detection algorithms
RD Chaney, MC Bud, LM Novak
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 5 (11), 10-15, 1990
Learning to recognize volcanoes on Venus
MC Burl, L Asker, P Smyth, U Fayyad, P Perona, L Crumpler, J Aubele
Machine Learning 30, 165-194, 1998
Video image motion compensation using an algorithm involving at least two fields
M Burl, R Thomson, P Layton
US Patent 6,011,596, 2000
AEGIS autonomous targeting for ChemCam on Mars Science Laboratory: Deployment and results of initial science team use
R Francis, T Estlin, G Doran, S Johnstone, D Gaines, V Verma, M Burl, ...
Science Robotics 2 (7), eaan4582, 2017
Learning to detect small impact craters
PG Wetzler, R Honda, B Enke, WJ Merline, CR Chapman, MC Burl
2005 Seventh IEEE Workshops on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV/MOTION …, 2005
Automating the hunt for volcanoes on Venus
Burl, Fayyad, Perona, Smyth, Burl
1994 Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 1994
Optimal processing of polarimetric synthetic-aperture radar imagery
LM Novak, MC Burl, RD Chaney, GJ Owirka
The Lincoln Laboratory Journal, 3, 273-290, 1990
Assessing the ability to predict human percepts of odor quality from the detector responses of a conducting polymer composite-based electronic nose
MC Burl, BJ Doleman, A Schaffer, NS Lewis
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 72 (2), 149-159, 2001
Automated detection of craters and other geological features
MC Burl
Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in …, 2001
Texture discrimination in synthetic aperture radar imagery
MC Burl, GJ Owirka, LM Novak
Twenty-Third Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1989. 1 …, 1989
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