Ali Ghaffari
Ali Ghaffari
Professor of computer engineering, IAUT
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na iaut.ac.ir
An investigation of the impact of effective factors on the success of e-commerce in small-and medium-sized companies
M Choshin, A Ghaffari
Computers in Human Behavior 66, 67-74, 2017
Congestion control mechanisms in wireless sensor networks: A survey
A Ghaffari
Journal of network and computer applications 52, 101-115, 2015
Software defined networks: A survey
R Masoudi, A Ghaffari
Journal of Network and computer Applications 67, 1-25, 2016
Energy-efficient routing mechanism for mobile sink in wireless sensor networks using particle swarm optimization algorithm
S Tabibi, A Ghaffari
Wireless Personal Communications 104, 199-216, 2019
An energy efficient routing protocol for wireless sensor networks using A-star algorithm
A Ghaffari
Journal of applied research and technology 12 (4), 815-822, 2014
Security of internet of things based on cryptographic algorithms: a survey
SK Mousavi, A Ghaffari, S Besharat, H Afshari
Wireless Networks 27 (2), 1515-1555, 2021
Energy-aware clustering-based routing in wireless sensor networks using cuckoo optimization algorithm
M Khabiri, A Ghaffari
Wireless Personal Communications 98, 2473-2495, 2018
Performance issues and solutions in SDN-based data center: a survey
A Shirmarz, A Ghaffari
The Journal of Supercomputing 76 (10), 7545-7593, 2020
Investigating the impact of information systems on knowledge sharing
S Mirzaee, A Ghaffari
Journal of Knowledge Management 22 (3), 501-520, 2018
A wrapper‐based feature selection for improving performance of intrusion detection systems
M Samadi Bonab, A Ghaffari, F Soleimanian Gharehchopogh, P Alemi
International Journal of Communication Systems 33 (12), e4434, 2020
Reliable data dissemination for the Internet of Things using Harris hawks optimization
A Seyfollahi, A Ghaffari
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 13 (6), 1886-1902, 2020
Hybrid opportunistic and position-based routing protocol in vehicular ad hoc networks
A Ghaffari
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 11 (4), 1593-1603, 2020
A routing protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks using simulated annealing algorithm and neural networks
H Bagherlou, A Ghaffari
The Journal of Supercomputing 74, 2528-2552, 2018
Data aggregation in wireless sensor networks using firefly algorithm
I Mosavvar, A Ghaffari
Wireless Personal Communications 104, 307-324, 2019
Real-time routing algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks using reinforcement learning and heuristic algorithms
A Ghaffari
Wireless Networks 23, 703-714, 2017
Verifying relationship of knowledge management initiatives and the empowerment of human resources
N Akbari, A Ghaffari
Journal of Knowledge Management 21 (5), 1120-1141, 2017
Improving the security of internet of things using cryptographic algorithms: a case of smart irrigation systems
SK Mousavi, A Ghaffari, S Besharat, H Afshari
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12 (2), 2033-2051, 2021
Exploring the state-of-the-art service composition approaches in cloud manufacturing systems to enhance upcoming techniques
V Hayyolalam, B Pourghebleh, AA Pourhaji Kazem, A Ghaffari
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 105, 471-498, 2019
A survey and classification of the security anomaly detection mechanisms in software defined networks
T Jafarian, M Masdari, A Ghaffari, K Majidzadeh
Cluster Computing 24, 1235-1253, 2021
Anomaly-based intrusion detection system in the Internet of Things using a convolutional neural network and multi-objective enhanced Capuchin Search Algorithm
H Asgharzadeh, A Ghaffari, M Masdari, FS Gharehchopogh
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 175, 1-21, 2023
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