Patrick Farrell
Patrick Farrell
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na maths.ox.ac.uk - Domača stran
Conservative interpolation between volume meshes by local Galerkin projection
PE Farrell, JR Maddison
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (1-4), 89-100, 2011
Automated derivation of the adjoint of high-level transient finite element programs
PE Farrell, DA Ham, SW Funke, ME Rognes
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (4), C369-C393, 2013
Tidal turbine array optimisation using the adjoint approach
SW Funke, PE Farrell, MD Piggott
Renewable Energy 63, 658-673, 2014
Conservative interpolation between unstructured meshes via supermesh construction
PE Farrell, MD Piggott, CC Pain, GJ Gorman, CR Wilson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (33-36), 2632-2642, 2009
Linear and nonlinear solvers for variational phase‐field models of brittle fracture
P Farrell, C Maurini
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 109 (5), 648-667, 2017
Geometric MCMC for infinite-dimensional inverse problems
A Beskos, M Girolami, S Lan, PE Farrell, AM Stuart
Journal of Computational Physics 335, 327-351, 2017
Deflation techniques for finding distinct solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations
PE Farrell, A Birkisson, SW Funke
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (4), A2026-A2045, 2015
Anisotropic mesh adaptivity for multi-scale ocean modelling
MD Piggott, PE Farrell, CR Wilson, GJ Gorman, CC Pain
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical …, 2009
An augmented Lagrangian preconditioner for the 3D stationary incompressible Navier-Stokes equations at high Reynolds number
PE Farrell, L Mitchell, F Wechsung
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.03315, 2018
A framework for automated PDE-constrained optimisation
SW Funke, PE Farrell
arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.3894, 2013
A POD reduced order unstructured mesh ocean modelling method for moderate Reynolds number flows
F Fang, CC Pain, IM Navon, GJ Gorman, MD Piggott, PA Allison, ...
Ocean modelling 28 (1-3), 127-136, 2009
A POD reduced‐order 4D‐Var adaptive mesh ocean modelling approach
F Fang, CC Pain, IM Navon, MD Piggott, GJ Gorman, PE Farrell, ...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 60 (7), 709-732, 2009
From molecular to continuum modelling of bistable liquid crystal devices
M Robinson, C Luo, PE Farrell, R Erban, A Majumdar
Liquid Crystals 44 (14-15), 2267-2284, 2017
PCPATCH: software for the topological construction of multigrid relaxation methods
PE Farrell, MG Knepley, L Mitchell, F Wechsung
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 47 (3), 1-22, 2021
Modelling of fluid–solid interactions using an adaptive mesh fluid model coupled with a combined finite–discrete element model
A Viré, J Xiang, F Milthaler, PE Farrell, MD Piggott, JP Latham, D Pavlidis, ...
Ocean Dynamics 62, 1487-1501, 2012
Assessment of spurious mixing in adaptive mesh simulations of the two-dimensional lock-exchange
HR Hiester, MD Piggott, PE Farrell, PA Allison
Ocean Modelling 73, 30-44, 2014
Computing stationary solutions of the two-dimensional Gross–Pitaevskii equation with deflated continuation
EG Charalampidis, PG Kevrekidis, PE Farrell
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 54, 482-499, 2018
An anisotropic Zienkiewicz–Zhu‐type error estimator for 3D applications
PE Farrell, S Micheletti, S Perotto
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 85 (6), 671-692, 2011
Efficient White Noise Sampling and Coupling for Multilevel Monte Carlo with Nonnested Meshes
M Croci, MB Giles, ME Rognes, PE Farrell
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 6 (4), 1630-1655, 2018
Parallel anisotropic mesh adaptivity with dynamic load balancing for cardiac electrophysiology
J Southern, GJ Gorman, MD Piggott, PE Farrell
Journal of Computational Science 3 (1-2), 8-16, 2012
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