Moritz Stäbler
Moritz Stäbler
Leibniz Centre for Marine Tropical Research (ZMT) GmbH
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na leibniz-zmt.de
Performance evaluation of data-limited, length-based stock assessment methods
L Chong, TK Mildenberger, MB Rudd, MH Taylor, JM Cope, TA Branch, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (1), 97-108, 2020
Tourist willingness to pay for local green hotel certification
KM Nelson, S Partelow, M Stäbler, S Graci, M Fujitani
Plos one 16 (2), e0245953, 2021
The MSY concept in a multi-objective fisheries environment–Lessons from the North Sea
A Kempf, J Mumford, P Levontin, A Leach, A Hoff, KG Hamon, ...
Marine Policy 69, 146-158, 2016
Tropical marine sciences: Knowledge production in a web of path dependencies
S Partelow, AK Hornidge, P Senff, M Stäbler, A Schlüter
PLoS One 15 (2), e0228613, 2020
Combining efforts to make maximum sustainable yields and good environmental status match in a food-web model of the southern North Sea
M Stäbler, A Kempf, S Mackinson, JJ Poos, C Garcia, A Temming
Ecological Modelling 331, 17-30, 2016
Community ecology in 3D: Tensor decomposition reveals spatio-temporal dynamics of large ecological communities
R Frelat, M Lindegren, TS Denker, J Floeter, HO Fock, C Sguotti, ...
PloS one 12 (11), e0188205, 2017
Toward ecosystem-based assessment and management of small-scale and multi-gear fisheries: insights from the tropical eastern pacific
P Herrón, GA Castellanos-Galindo, M Stäbler, JM Díaz, M Wolff
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 127, 2019
Insights on integrating habitat preferences in process-oriented ecological models–a case study of the southern North Sea
M Püts, M Taylor, I Núñez-Riboni, J Steenbeek, M Stäbler, C Möllmann, ...
Ecological Modelling 431, 109189, 2020
Assessing the structure and functioning of the southern North Sea ecosystem with a food-web model
M Stäbler, A Kempf, A Temming
Ocean & Coastal Management 165, 280-297, 2018
Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich 1825), a Clupeid Fish That Exhibits Elevated Batch Fecundity in Hypersaline Waters
J Döring, M Tiedemann, M Stäbler, H Sloterdijk, W Ekau
Fishes 2 (3), 13, 2017
Detecting change in local ecological knowledge: An application of an index of taxonomic distinctness to an ethnoichthyological classification in the Solomon Islands
S Aswani, SCA Ferse, M Stäbler, C Chong-Montenegro
Ecological Indicators 119, 106865, 2020
Fish grabbing: Weak governance and productive waters are targets for distant water fishing
M Stäbler, J Letschert, M Fujitani, S Partelow
Plos one 17 (12), e0278481, 2022
Sensitivity of multispecies maximum sustainable yields to trends in the top (marine mammals) and bottom (primary production) compartments of the southern North Sea food-web
M Stäbler, A Kempf, S Smout, A Temming
PloS one 14 (1), e0210882, 2019
Correction: Community ecology in 3D: Tensor decomposition reveals spatio-temporal dynamics of large ecological communities
R Frelat, M Lindegren, TS Dencker, J Floeter, HO Fock, C Sguotti, ...
PLoS One 13 (4), e0196353, 2018
Modelling the role of Bonito in the northern Humboldt current food web
M Stäbler
An Ecopath with Ecosim food web model of the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem: Report to the Fisheries Improvement Project
M Staebler
Sensitivity of multispecies maximum sustainable yields to trends in the top and bottom compartments of a food-web
M Staebler
WP6| Participatory ecosystem-based management strategies for shifts among pelagic resources in the Humboldt Upwelling System
M Staebler
ISATEC experimental design and data analysis in R
C Hassenrueck, M Staebler, S Bejarano
Effects of and on the food-web when fishing for maximum sustainable yields in the southern North Sea
M Stäbler
Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, 2017
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