Scott D. Wallace
Scott D. Wallace
Founder and President Naturally Wallace Consulting
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Treatment wetlands
RH Kadlec, S Wallace
CRC press, 2008
A review of emerging organic contaminants (EOCs), antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB), and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the environment: Increasing removal with …
J García, MJ García-Galán, JW Day, R Boopathy, JR White, S Wallace, ...
Bioresource technology 307, 123228, 2020
Treatment of landfill leachate using an aerated, horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetland
J Nivala, MB Hoos, C Cross, S Wallace, G Parkin
Science of the Total Environment 380 (1-3), 19-27, 2007
Clogging in subsurface-flow treatment wetlands: measurement, modeling and management
J Nivala, P Knowles, G Dotro, J García, S Wallace
Water research 46 (6), 1625-1640, 2012
Small-scale constructed wetland treatment systems: feasibility, design criteria, and O&M requirements
SD Wallace, RL Knight
(No Title), 2006
Treatment of industrial effluents in constructed wetlands: challenges, operational strategies and overall performance
S Wu, S Wallace, H Brix, P Kuschk, WK Kirui, F Masi, R Dong
Environmental Pollution 201, 107-120, 2015
Oxygen transfer and consumption in subsurface flow treatment wetlands
J Nivala, S Wallace, T Headley, K Kassa, H Brix, M van Afferden, R Müller
Ecological engineering 61, 544-554, 2013
Comparative analysis of constructed wetlands: The design and construction of the ecotechnology research facility in Langenreichenbach, Germany
J Nivala, T Headley, S Wallace, K Bernhard, H Brix, M van Afferden, ...
Ecological engineering 61, 527-543, 2013
Escherichia coli removal and internal dynamics in subsurface flow ecotechnologies: Effects of design and plants
T Headley, J Nivala, K Kassa, L Olsson, S Wallace, H Brix, M van Afferden, ...
Ecological engineering 61, 564-574, 2013
Cold climate wetlands: design and performance
S Wallace, G Parkin, C Cross
Water Science and Technology 44 (11-12), 259-265, 2001
Hydraulic characterization and optimization of total nitrogen removal in an aerated vertical subsurface flow treatment wetland
J Boog, J Nivala, T Aubron, S Wallace, M van Afferden, RA Müller
Bioresource technology 162, 166-174, 2014
Removal of phosphorus, fluoride and metals from a gypsum mining leachate using steel slag filters
D Claveau-Mallet, S Wallace, Y Comeau
Water research 47 (4), 1512-1520, 2013
Model of phosphorus precipitation and crystal formation in electric arc furnace steel slag filters
D Claveau-Mallet, S Wallace, Y Comeau
Environmental science & technology 46 (3), 1465-1470, 2012
BTEX degradation in a cold-climate wetland system
S Wallace, R Kadlec
Water Science and Technology 51 (9), 165-171, 2005
Side-by-side comparison of 15 pilot-scale conventional and intensified subsurface flow wetlands for treatment of domestic wastewater
J Nivala, J Boog, T Headley, T Aubron, S Wallace, H Brix, S Mothes, ...
Science of the Total Environment 658, 1500-1513, 2019
System and method for removing pollutants from water
SD Wallace, PE Lambrecht
US Patent 6,652,743, 2003
System for removing pollutants from water
SD Wallace
US Patent 6,200,469, 2001
Detector integrated angular distribution: Chemisorption-site geometry, axial-recoil photofragmentation, and molecular-beam orientation
S Wallace, D Dill
Physical Review B 17 (4), 1692, 1978
Nitrification cessation and recovery in an aerated saturated vertical subsurface flow treatment wetland: Field studies and microscale biofilm modeling
C Murphy, AR Rajabzadeh, KP Weber, J Nivala, SD Wallace, DJ Cooper
Bioresource technology 209, 125-132, 2016
Absorption field reclamation and maintenance system
SD Wallace
US Patent 6,576,130, 2003
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