Large scale spatial variability of accumulated cadmium in the wheat farm grains AR Jafarnejadi, M Homaee, G Sayyad, M Bybordi Soil and Sediment Contamination 20 (1), 98-113, 2011 | 123 | 2011 |
Transport of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in a calcareous soil under wheat and safflower cultivation—a column study G Sayyad, M Afyuni, SF Mousavi, KC Abbaspour, BK Richards, R Schulin Geoderma 154 (3-4), 311-320, 2010 | 99 | 2010 |
Evaluation of estimated daily intake (EDI) of cadmium and lead for rice (Oryza sativa L.) in calcareous soils A Chamannejadian, G Sayyad, A Moezzi, A Jahangiri Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 10, 1-5, 2013 | 96 | 2013 |
Sugarecane molasse and vinasse added as microbial growth substrates increase calcium carbonate content, surface stability and resistance against wind erosion of desert soils F Nikseresht, A Landi, G Sayyad, GR Ghezelbash, R Schulin Journal of environmental management 268, 110639, 2020 | 71 | 2020 |
Silage corn production in conventional and conservation tillage systems. Part I: Sustainability analysis using combination of GIS/AHP and multi-fuzzy modeling E Houshyar, MJ SheikhDavoodi, M Almassi, H Bahrami, H Azadi, M Omidi, ... Ecological Indicators 39, 102-114, 2014 | 65 | 2014 |
Spatial variability of soil total and DTPA-extractable cadmium caused by long-term application of phosphate fertilizers, crop rotation, and soil characteristics AR Jafarnejadi, G Sayyad, M Homaee, AH Davamei Environmental monitoring and assessment 185, 4087-4096, 2013 | 65 | 2013 |
Pb (II) removal from aqueous solution by polyacrylic acid stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles: process optimization using response surface methodology AR Esfahani, AF Firouzi, G Sayyad, A Kiasat, L Alidokht, AR Khataee Research on Chemical Intermediates 40, 431-445, 2014 | 55 | 2014 |
Transport of nitrate and ammonium ions in a sandy loam soil treated with potassium zeolite–Evaluating equilibrium and non-equilibrium equations M Moradzadeh, H Moazed, G Sayyad, M Khaledian Acta Ecologica Sinica 34 (6), 342-350, 2014 | 53 | 2014 |
Predicting saturated hydraulic conductivity by artificial intelligence and regression models RR Arshad, G Sayyad, M Mosaddeghi, B Gharabaghi International scholarly research notices 2013 (1), 308159, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
Use of multi-temporal remote sensing data and GIS for wetland change monitoring and degradation Y Ghobadi, B Pradhan, K Kabiri, S Pirasteh, HZM Shafri, GA Sayyad 2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering (CHUSER), 103-108, 2012 | 51 | 2012 |
Temperature effect on the transport of bromide and E. coli NAR in saturated soils B Gharabaghi, A Safadoust, AA Mahboubi, MR Mosaddeghi, A Unc, ... Journal of Hydrology 522, 418-427, 2015 | 48 | 2015 |
Transport and retention of polymer-stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles in saturated porous media: Effects of initial particle concentration and ionic strength AR Esfahani, AF Firouzi, G Sayyad, AR Kiasat Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 20 (5), 2671-2679, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
Effects of cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc contamination on metal accumulation by safflower and wheat G Sayyad, M Afyuni, SF Mousavi, KC Abbaspour, MA Hajabbasi, ... Soil & Sediment Contamination 18 (2), 216-228, 2009 | 42 | 2009 |
Comparison of different irrigation methods based on the parametric evaluation approach in North Molasani plain, Iran. M Albaji, SB Nasab, HA Kashkuli, AA Naseri, G Sayyad, S Jafari | 37 | 2008 |
Fate and transport modeling of phthalate esters from biosolid amended soil under corn cultivation G Sayyad, GW Price, M Sharifi, K Khosravi Journal of hazardous materials 323, 264-273, 2017 | 33 | 2017 |
Bacterial filtration rates in repacked and weathered soil columns A Safadoust, AA Mahboubi, B Gharabaghi, MR Mosaddeghi, P Voroney, ... Geoderma 167, 204-213, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
Using SWAT model to determine runoff, sediment yield in maroon-dam catchment N Zalaki-Badil, S Eslamian, GA Sayyad, SE Hosseini, M Asadilour, ... International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences 3 (12), 31-41, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
Spatial distribution of lead in calcareous soils and rice seeds of Khuzestan, Iran. A Chamannejadian, AA Moezzi, GA Sayyad, A Jahangiri, A Jafarnejadi | 23 | 2011 |
Spatial prediction of nitrate concentration in drinking water using pH as auxiliary co-kriging variable J Ghadermazi, G Sayyad, J Mohammadi, A Moezzi, F Ahmadi, R Schulin Procedia environmental sciences 3, 130-135, 2011 | 21 | 2011 |
Modeling blue and green water resources availability in an Iranian data scarce watershed using SWAT G Sayyad, L Vasel, AA Besalatpour, B Gharabaghi, G Golmohammadi J. Water Manag. Model, 1-8, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |