Omar Torres
Omar Torres
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na nasa.gov
Environmental characterization of global sources of atmospheric soil dust identified with the Nimbus 7 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) absorbing aerosol product
JM Prospero, P Ginoux, O Torres, SE Nicholson, TE Gill
Reviews of geophysics 40 (1), 2-1-2-31, 2002
Tropospheric aerosol optical thickness from the GOCART model and comparisons with satellite and Sun photometer measurements
M Chin, P Ginoux, S Kinne, O Torres, BN Holben, BN Duncan, RV Martin, ...
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 59 (3), 461-483, 2002
Global distribution of UV‐absorbing aerosols from Nimbus 7/TOMS data
JR Herman, PK Bhartia, O Torres, C Hsu, C Seftor, E Celarier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D14), 16911-16922, 1997
Derivation of aerosol properties from satellite measurements of backscattered ultraviolet radiation: Theoretical basis
O Torres, PK Bhartia, JR Herman, Z Ahmad, J Gleason
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D14), 17099-17110, 1998
Aerosols and surface UV products from Ozone Monitoring Instrument observations: An overview
O Torres, A Tanskanen, B Veihelmann, C Ahn, R Braak, PK Bhartia, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D24), 2007
A long-term record of aerosol optical depth from TOMS observations and comparison to AERONET measurements
O Torres, PK Bhartia, JR Herman, A Sinyuk, P Ginoux, B Holben
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 59 (3), 398-413, 2002
Long-term simulation of global dust distribution with the GOCART model: correlation with North Atlantic Oscillation
P Ginoux, JM Prospero, O Torres, M Chin
Environmental Modelling & Software 19 (2), 113-128, 2004
Earth probe total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS) data product user's guide
R McPeters
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, 1998
Nimbus-7 total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS) data products user's guide
RD McPeters
NASA, Scientific and Technical Information Branch, 1996
Indonesian fire activity and smoke pollution in 2015 show persistent nonlinear sensitivity to El Niño-induced drought
RD Field, GR Van Der Werf, T Fanin, EJ Fetzer, R Fuller, H Jethva, R Levy, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (33), 9204-9209, 2016
Comparisons of the TOMS aerosol index with Sun‐photometer aerosol optical thickness: Results and applications
NC Hsu, JR Herman, O Torres, BN Holben, D Tanre, TF Eck, A Smirnov, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D6), 6269-6279, 1999
Validation of the Saharan dust plume conceptual model using lidar, Meteosat, and ECMWF data
VM Karyampudi, SP Palm, JA Reagen, H Fang, WB Grant, RM Hoff, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 80 (6), 1045-1076, 1999
Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO)
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 186, 17-39, 2017
Long‐range transport of Saharan dust to northern Europe: The 11–16 October 2001 outbreak observed with EARLINET
A Ansmann, J Bösenberg, A Chaikovsky, A Comerón, S Eckhardt, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D24), 2003
Monthly averages of aerosol properties: A global comparison among models, satellite data, and AERONET ground data
S Kinne, U Lohmann, J Feichter, M Schulz, C Timmreck, S Ghan, R Easter, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D20), 2003
The Ozone Monitoring Instrument: overview of 14 years in space
Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics 18 (8), 5699-5745, 2018
Detection of biomass burning smoke from TOMS measurements
NC Hsu, JR Herman, PK Bhartia, CJ Seftor, O Torres, AM Thompson, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 23 (7), 745-748, 1996
Transport of smoke from Canadian forest fires to the surface near Washington, DC: Injection height, entrainment, and optical properties
PR Colarco, MR Schoeberl, BG Doddridge, LT Marufu, O Torres, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D6), 2004
Multi-decadal aerosol variations from 1980 to 2009: a perspective from observations and a global model
M Chin, T Diehl, Q Tan, JM Prospero, RA Kahn, LA Remer, H Yu, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (7), 3657-3690, 2014
Spatial heterogeneity in aeolian erodibility: Uniform, topographic, geomorphic, and hydrologic hypotheses
CS Zender, D Newman, O Torres
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D17), 2003
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