Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Tony VealeVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 1
The “default” in our stars: Signposting non-defaultness in ironic discourse
T Veale
Metaphor and Symbol 33 (3), 175-184, 2018
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Na voljo nekje: 15
A multidimensional approach for detecting irony in Twitter
A Reyes, P Rosso, T Veale
Language Resources and Evaluation 47 (1), 1-30, 2013
Zahteve: Government of Spain
Fracking sarcasm using neural network
A Ghosh, T Veale
Proceedings of the 7th workshop on computational approaches to subjectivity …, 2016
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Semeval-2015 task 11: Sentiment analysis of figurative language in twitter
A Ghosh, G Li, T Veale, P Rosso, E Shutova, J Barnden, A Reyes
Proceedings of the 9th international workshop on semantic evaluation …, 2015
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland, Government of Spain
Magnets for sarcasm: Making sarcasm detection timely, contextual and very personal
A Ghosh, T Veale
Proceedings of the 2017 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2017
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Creative language retrieval: A robust hybrid of information retrieval and linguistic creativity
T Veale
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2011
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Round up the usual suspects: Knowledge-based metaphor generation
T Veale
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, 34-41, 2016
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Creating Similarity: Lateral Thinking for Vertical Similarity Judgments
T Veale, G Li
Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2013
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Creative introspection and knowledge acquisition: Learning about the world through introspective questions and exploratory metaphors
T Veale, G Li
Proceedings of the 25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
A service-oriented architecture for computational creativity
T Veale
Journal of Computing Science and Engineering 7 (3), 159-167, 2013
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Specifying Viewpoint and Information Need with Affective Metaphors: A System Demonstration of the Metaphor-Magnet Web App/Service
T Veale, G Li
Proceedings of the ACL 2012 System Demonstrations, 7-12, 2012
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Linguistic readymades and creative reuse
T Veale
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 17 (4), 37-51, 2013
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Exploiting readymades in linguistic creativity: A system demonstration of the jigsaw bard
T Veale, Y Hao
Proceedings of the ACL-HLT 2011 System Demonstrations, 14-19, 2011
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Fighting words and antagonistic worlds
T Veale
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, 87-94, 2015
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
Constructing a corpus of figurative language for a tweet classification and retrieval task
G Li, A Ghosh, T Veale
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of the Forum for Information Retrieval …, 2014
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
In the mood for affective search with web stereotypes
T Veale, Y Hao
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web, 429-432, 2012
Zahteve: Science Foundation Ireland
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