Simon W. Funke
Simon W. Funke
IT Consultant, DeepTech Consulting AS
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Automated derivation of the adjoint of high-level transient finite element programs
PE Farrell, DA Ham, SW Funke, ME Rognes
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (4), C369-C393, 2013
Tidal turbine array optimisation using the adjoint approach
SW Funke, PE Farrell, MD Piggott
Renewable Energy 63, 658-673, 2014
Designing large arrays of tidal turbines: A synthesis and review
R Vennell, SW Funke, S Draper, C Stevens, T Divett
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41, 454-472, 2015
dolfin-adjoint 2018.1: automated adjoints for FEniCS and Firedrake
S Mitusch, S Funke, J Dokken
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (38), 1292, 2019
Deflation techniques for finding distinct solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations
PE Farrell, A Birkisson, SW Funke
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (4), A2026-A2045, 2015
Hybrid FEM-NN models: Combining artificial neural networks with the finite element method
SK Mitusch, SW Funke, M Kuchta
Journal of Computational Physics 446, 110651, 2021
Design optimisation and resource assessment for tidal-stream renewable energy farms using a new continuous turbine approach
SW Funke, SC Kramer, MD Piggott
Renewable energy 99, 1046-1061, 2016
Integration of cost modelling within the micro-siting design optimisation of tidal turbine arrays
DM Culley, SW Funke, SC Kramer, MD Piggott
Renewable Energy 85, 215-227, 2016
A framework for automated PDE-constrained optimisation
SW Funke, PE Farrell
arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.3894, 2013
Firedrake user manual
DA Ham, PHJ Kelly, L Mitchell, CJ Cotter, RC Kirby, K Sagiyama, ...
Imperial College London and University of Oxford and Baylor University and …, 2023
Apparent diffusion coefficient estimates based on 24 hours tracer movement support glymphatic transport in human cerebral cortex
LM Valnes, SK Mitusch, G Ringstad, PK Eide, SW Funke, KA Mardal
Scientific reports 10 (1), 9176, 2020
Variational data assimilation for transient blood flow simulations: cerebral aneurysms as an illustrative example
SW Funke, M Nordaas, Ø Evju, MS Alnæs, KA Mardal
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 35 (1 …, 2019
Mesh dependence in PDE-constrained optimisation
T Schwedes, DA Ham, SW Funke, MD Piggott, T Schwedes, DA Ham, ...
Mesh Dependence in PDE-Constrained Optimisation: An Application in Tidal …, 2017
A wetting and drying algorithm with a combined pressure/free-surface formulation for non-hydrostatic models
SW Funke, CC Pain, SC Kramer, MD Piggott
Advances in water resources 34 (11), 1483-1495, 2011
Hybrid genetic deflated newton method for global optimisation
MM Noack, SW Funke
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 325, 97-112, 2017
The trade-off between tidal-turbine array yield and impact on flow: A multi-objective optimisation problem
RJ Du Feu, SW Funke, SC Kramer, DM Culley, J Hill, BS Halpern, ...
Renewable Energy 114, 1247-1257, 2017
The trade-off between tidal-turbine array yield and environmental impact: A habitat suitability modelling approach
RJ Du Feu, SW Funke, SC Kramer, J Hill, MD Piggott
Renewable Energy 143, 390-403, 2019
Toward personalized computer simulation of breast cancer treatment: A multiscale pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic model informed by multitype patient data
X Lai, OM Geier, T Fleischer, Ø Garred, E Borgen, SW Funke, S Kumar, ...
Cancer research 79 (16), 4293-4304, 2019
Automatic shape derivatives for transient PDEs in FEniCS and Firedrake
JS Dokken, SK Mitusch, SW Funke
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.10058, 2020
In vivo estimation of elastic heterogeneity in an infarcted human heart
G Balaban, H Finsberg, S Funke, TF Håland, E Hopp, J Sundnes, S Wall, ...
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 17, 1317-1329, 2018
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