Fabrice Hollender
Fabrice Hollender
Dr in Geophysics, CEA and ISTerre
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Guidelines for the good practice of surface wave analysis: a product of the InterPACIFIC project
S Foti, F Hollender, F Garofalo, D Albarello, M Asten, PY Bard, C Comina, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 2367-2420, 2018
InterPACIFIC project: Comparison of invasive and non-invasive methods for seismic site characterization. Part I: Intra-comparison of surface wave methods
F Garofalo, S Foti, F Hollender, PY Bard, C Cornou, BR Cox, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 82, 222-240, 2016
InterPACIFIC project: Comparison of invasive and non-invasive methods for seismic site characterization. Part II: Inter-comparison between surface-wave and borehole methods
F Garofalo, S Foti, F Hollender, PY Bard, C Cornou, BR Cox, A Dechamp, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 82, 241-254, 2016
International benchmark on numerical simulations for 1D, nonlinear site response (PRENOLIN): Verification phase based on canonical cases
J Régnier, LF Bonilla, PY Bard, E Bertrand, F Hollender, H Kawase, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 106 (5), 2112-2135, 2016
PRENOLIN: International benchmark on 1D nonlinear site‐response analysis—Validation phase exercise
J Régnier, L Bonilla, PY Bard, E Bertrand, F Hollender, H Kawase, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 108 (2), 876-900, 2018
Rock and Stiff‐Soil Site Amplification: Dependency on VS30 and Kappa (κ0)
A Laurendeau, F Cotton, OJ Ktenidou, LF Bonilla, F Hollender
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 103 (6), 3131-3148, 2013
Earthquake ground motion in the Mygdonian basin, Greece: the E2VP verification and validation of 3D numerical simulation up to 4 Hz
E Maufroy, E Chaljub, F Hollender, J Kristek, P Moczo, P Klin, E Priolo, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 105 (3), 1398-1418, 2015
Modeling ground-penetrating radar wave propagation and reflection with the Jonscher parameterization
F Hollender, S Tillard
geophysics 63 (6), 1933-1942, 1998
3-D numerical simulations of earthquake ground motion in sedimentary basins: testing accuracy through stringent models
E Chaljub, E Maufroy, P Moczo, J Kristek, F Hollender, PY Bard, E Priolo, ...
Geophysical Journal International 201 (1), 90-111, 2015
Key structural parameters affecting earthquake ground motion in 2D and 3D sedimentary structures
P Moczo, J Kristek, PY Bard, S Stripajová, F Hollender, Z Chovanová, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 2421-2450, 2018
Characterization of site conditions (soil class, VS30, velocity profiles) for 33 stations from the French permanent accelerometric network (RAP) using surface-wave …
F Hollender, C Cornou, A Dechamp, K Oghalaei, F Renalier, E Maufroy, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 2337-2365, 2018
Can broad-band earthquake site responses be predicted by the ambient noise spectral ratio? Insight from observations at two sedimentary basins
V Perron, C Gélis, B Froment, F Hollender, PY Bard, G Cultrera, ...
Geophysical Journal International 215 (2), 1442-1454, 2018
Derivation of consistent hard rock (1000 < VS < 3000 m/s) GMPEs from surface and down-hole recordings: analysis of KiK-net data
A Laurendeau, PY Bard, F Hollender, V Perron, L Foundotos, OJ Ktenidou, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 2253-2284, 2018
Discontinuity characterization by the inversion of the spectral content of ground penetrating radar (GPR) reflections—Application of the Jonscher model
C Grégoire, F Hollender
Geophysics 69 (6), 1414-1424, 2004
Reconstruction of the Provence Chain evolution, southeastern France
L Bestani, N Espurt, J Lamarche, O Bellier, F Hollender
Tectonics 35 (6), 1506-1525, 2016
Robustness of kappa (κ) measurement in low‐to‐moderate seismicity areas: Insight from a site‐specific study in Provence, France
V Perron, F Hollender, PY Bard, C Gélis, C Guyonnet‐Benaize, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 107 (5), 2272-2292, 2017
Accelerometer, velocimeter dense‐array, and rotation sensor datasets from the Sinaps@ Postseismic Survey (Cephalonia 2014–2015 aftershock sequence)
V Perron, F Hollender, A Mariscal, N Theodoulidis, C Andreou, PY Bard, ...
Seismological Research Letters 89 (2A), 678-687, 2018
Selecting time windows of seismic phases and noise for engineering seismology applications: A versatile methodology and algorithm
V Perron, A Laurendeau, F Hollender, PY Bard, C Gélis, P Traversa, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 2211-2225, 2018
Understanding single-station ground motion variability and uncertainty (sigma): lessons learnt from EUROSEISTEST
OJ Ktenidou, Z Roumelioti, N Abrahamson, F Cotton, K Pitilakis, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 2311-2336, 2018
3D numerical simulation and ground motion prediction: Verification, validation and beyond–Lessons from the E2VP project
E Maufroy, E Chaljub, F Hollender, PY Bard, J Kristek, P Moczo, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 91, 53-71, 2016
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