Rare species support vulnerable functions in high-diversity ecosystems D Mouillot, DR Bellwood, C Baraloto, J Chave, R Galzin, ... PLoS biology 11 (5), e1001569, 2013 | 999 | 2013 |
Trophic cascades in benthic marine ecosystems: lessons for fisheries and protected-area management JK Pinnegar, NVC Polunin, P Francour, F Badalamenti, R Chemello, ... Environmental conservation 27 (2), 179-200, 2000 | 709 | 2000 |
Fishing, trophic cascades, and the structure of algal assemblages: evaluation of an old but untested paradigm E Sala, CF Boudouresque, M Harmelin-Vivien Oikos, 425-439, 1998 | 631 | 1998 |
Relating behavior to habitat: solutions to thefourth‐corner problem P Legendre, R Galzin, ML Harmelin-Vivien Ecology 78 (2), 547-562, 1997 | 628 | 1997 |
Evaluation visuelle des peuplements et populations de poissons méthodes et problèmes ML Harmelin-Vivien, JG Harmelin, C Chauvet, C Duval, R Galzin, ... Revue d'écologie 40 (4), 467-539, 1985 | 583 | 1985 |
Are the Mediterranean waters becoming warmer? Information from biological indicators P Francour, CF Boudouresque, JG Harmelin, ML Harmelin-Vivien, ... Marine Pollution Bulletin 28 (9), 523-526, 1994 | 460 | 1994 |
Fish fauna of French Mediterranean Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows. II: feeding habits JD Bell, ML Harmelin-Vivien Tethys (Marseille) 11 (1), 1-14, 1983 | 430* | 1983 |
The effects of storms and cyclones on coral reefs: a review ML Harmelin-Vivien Journal of Coastal Research, 211-231, 1994 | 403 | 1994 |
Microhabitat requirements for settlement of juvenile sparid fishes on Mediterranean rocky shores ML Harmelin-Vivien, JG Harmelin, V Leboulleux Space Partition within Aquatic Ecosystems: Proceedings of the Second …, 1995 | 324 | 1995 |
Gradients of abundance and biomass across reserve boundaries in six Mediterranean marine protected areas: evidence of fish spillover? M Harmelin-Vivien, L Le Diréach, J Bayle-Sempere, E Charbonnel, ... Biological conservation 141 (7), 1829-1839, 2008 | 305 | 2008 |
Effectiveness of European Atlanto-Mediterranean MPAs: Do they accomplish the expected effects on populations, communities and ecosystems? JA García-Charton, A Pérez-Ruzafa, C Marcos, J Claudet, F Badalamenti, ... Journal for Nature Conservation 16 (4), 193-221, 2008 | 239 | 2008 |
Trophodynamic linkage between river runoff and coastal fishery yield elucidated by stable isotope data in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) AM Darnaude, C Salen-Picard, NVC Polunin, ML Harmelin-Vivien Oecologia 138, 325-332, 2004 | 238 | 2004 |
Catastrophic impact of hurricanes on atoll outer reef slopes in the Tuamotu (French Polynesia) ML Harmelin-Vivien, P Laboute Coral reefs 5, 55-62, 1986 | 232 | 1986 |
Trawling or visual censuses? Methodological bias in the assessment of fish populations in seagrass beds ML Harmelin‐Vivien, P Francour Marine Ecology 13 (1), 41-51, 1992 | 221 | 1992 |
Feeding diets and significance of coral feeding among chaetodontid fishes in Moorea (French Polynesia) ML Harmelin-Vivien, Y Bouchon-Navaro Coral reefs 2, 119-127, 1983 | 203 | 1983 |
Distributions of Indo-Pacific lionfishes Pterois spp. in their native ranges: implications for the Atlantic invasion M Kulbicki, J Beets, P Chabanet, K Cure, E Darling, SR Floeter, R Galzin, ... Marine Ecology Progress Series 446, 189-205, 2012 | 192 | 2012 |
Impact of coral degradation on a chaetodontid fish assem-blage (Moorea, French Polynesia) Y Bouchon-Navaro Proc. Fifth Int. Coral Reef Congr. Tahiti. 5, 427-432, 1985 | 187 | 1985 |
Comparison of C and N stable isotope ratios between surface particulate organic matter and microphytoplankton in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) M Harmelin-Vivien, V Loizeau, C Mellon, B Beker, D Arlhac, X Bodiguel, ... Continental Shelf Research 28 (15), 1911-1919, 2008 | 173 | 2008 |
Temporal fluctuations and settlement patterns of native and Lessepsian herbivorous fishes on the Lebanese coast (eastern Mediterranean) M Bariche, Y Letourneur, M Harmelin-Vivien Environmental Biology of fishes 70, 81-90, 2004 | 167 | 2004 |
Food partitioning among scorpaenid fishes in Mediterranean seagrass beds ML Harmelin‐Vivien, RA Kaim‐Malka, M Ledoyer, SS Jacob‐Abraham Journal of fish biology 34 (5), 715-734, 1989 | 165 | 1989 |