Vanja Dunjko
Thermalization and its mechanism for generic isolated quantum systems
M Rigol, V Dunjko, M Olshanii
Nature 452 (7189), 854-858, 2008
Relaxation in a Completely Integrable Many-Body Quantum System: An Ab Initio Study of the Dynamics of the Highly Excited States of 1D Lattice Hard-Core Bosons
M Rigol, V Dunjko, V Yurovsky, M Olshanii
Physical review letters 98 (5), 050405, 2007
Bosons in cigar-shaped traps: Thomas-Fermi regime, Tonks-Girardeau regime, and in between
V Dunjko, V Lorent, M Olshanii
Physical Review Letters 86 (24), 5413, 2001
Short-distance correlation properties of the Lieb-Liniger system and momentum distributions of trapped one-dimensional atomic gases
M Olshanii, V Dunjko
Physical review letters 91 (9), 090401, 2003
Threshold for Chaos and Thermalization in the One-Dimensional<? format?> Mean-Field Bose-Hubbard Model
AC Cassidy, D Mason, V Dunjko, M Olshanii
Physical review letters 102 (2), 025302, 2009
Creation and characterization of matter-wave breathers
D Luo, Y Jin, JHV Nguyen, BA Malomed, OV Marchukov, VA Yurovsky, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (18), 183902, 2020
Monopole excitations of a harmonically trapped one-dimensional Bose gas from the ideal gas to the Tonks-Girardeau regime
S Choi, V Dunjko, ZD Zhang, M Olshanii
Physical Review Letters 115 (11), 115302, 2015
Splitting of nonlinear-Schrödinger-equation breathers by linear and nonlinear localized potentials
OV Marchukov, BA Malomed, VA Yurovsky, M Olshanii, V Dunjko, ...
Physical Review A 99 (6), 063623, 2019
Quantum fluctuations of the center of mass and relative parameters of nonlinear schrödinger breathers
OV Marchukov, BA Malomed, V Dunjko, J Ruhl, M Olshanii, RG Hulet, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (5), 050405, 2020
Confinement-induced resonances
V Dunjko, MG Moore, T Bergeman, M Olshanii
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 60, 461-510, 2011
An exactly solvable model for the integrability–chaos transition in rough quantum billiards
M Olshanii, K Jacobs, M Rigol, V Dunjko, H Kennard, VA Yurovsky
Nature communications 3 (1), 641, 2012
Enhancing sensitivity to rotations with quantum solitonic currents
P Naldesi, J Polo, V Dunjko, H Perrin, M Olshanii, L Amico, A Minguzzi
SciPost Physics 12 (4), 138, 2022
Atom transistor from the point of view of nonequilibrium dynamics
Z Zhang, V Dunjko, M Olshanii
New Journal of Physics 17 (12), 125008, 2015
Universal tradeoff relation between speed, uncertainty, and dissipation in nonequilibrium stationary states
I Neri
SciPost Physics 12 (4), 139, 2022
Connection between nonlocal one-body and local three-body correlations of the Lieb-Liniger model
M Olshanii, V Dunjko, A Minguzzi, G Lang
Physical Review A 96 (3), 033624, 2017
Interferometry in dense nonlinear media and interaction-induced loss of contrast in microfabricated atom interferometers
M Olshanii, V Dunjko
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0505358, 2005
Metastability versus collapse following a quench in attractive Bose-Einstein condensates
J Golde, J Ruhl, M Olshanii, V Dunjko, S Datta, BA Malomed
Physical Review A 97 (5), 053604, 2018
Superheated integrability and multisoliton survival through scattering off barriers
V Dunjko, M Olshanii
arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.00075, 2015
Thermalization from the perspective of eigenstate thermalization hypothesis
V Dunjko, M Olshanii
Annual Review of Cold Atoms and Molecules: Volume 1, 443-471, 2013
The short-distance first-order correlation function of the interacting one-dimensional Bose gas
M Olshanii, V Dunjko
New Journal of Physics 5 (1), 98-98, 2003
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