Gagan Agrawal
Gagan Agrawal
Director of School of Computing and UGA Foundation Professor, University of Georgia
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uga.edu
Data streams: models and algorithms
CC Aggarwal
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Resource provisioning with budget constraints for adaptive applications in cloud environments
Q Zhu, G Agrawal
Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Symposium on High Performance …, 2010
Efficient decision tree construction on streaming data
R Jin, G Agrawal
Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2003
A linear speedup analysis of distributed deep learning with sparse and quantized communication
P Jiang, G Agrawal
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
Shared memory parallelization of data mining algorithms: Techniques, programming interface, and performance
R Jin, G Yang, G Agrawal
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 17 (1), 71-89, 2005
Supporting GPU sharing in cloud environments with a transparent runtime consolidation framework
VT Ravi, M Becchi, G Agrawal, S Chakradhar
Proceedings of the 20th international symposium on High performance …, 2011
Outstanding paper award: Analysis of global edf for parallel tasks
J Li, K Agrawal, C Lu, C Gill
2013 25th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 3-13, 2013
A map-reduce system with an alternate api for multi-core environments
W Jiang, VT Ravi, G Agrawal
2010 10th IEEE/ACM international conference on cluster, cloud and grid …, 2010
An algorithm for in-core frequent itemset mining on streaming data
R Jin, G Agrawal
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'05), 8 pp., 2005
Significance of breast lesion descriptors in the ACR BI‐RADS MRI lexicon
G Agrawal, MY Su, O Nalcioglu, SA Feig, JH Chen
Cancer: Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer …, 2009
Dnnfusion: accelerating deep neural networks execution with advanced operator fusion
W Niu, J Guan, Y Wang, G Agrawal, B Ren
Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming …, 2021
Communication and memory efficient parallel decision tree construction
R Jin, G Agrawal
Proceedings of the 2003 SIAM international conference on data mining, 119-129, 2003
Accelerating mapreduce on a coupled cpu-gpu architecture
L Chen, X Huo, G Agrawal
SC'12: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance …, 2012
Power-aware consolidation of scientific workflows in virtualized environments
Q Zhu, J Zhu, G Agrawal
SC'10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/IEEE International Conference for High …, 2010
Compiler and runtime support for enabling generalized reduction computations on heterogeneous parallel configurations
VT Ravi, W Ma, D Chiu, G Agrawal
Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on supercomputing, 137-146, 2010
Fast and exact out-of-core and distributed k-means clustering
R Jin, A Goswami, G Agrawal
Knowledge and Information Systems 10, 17-40, 2006
The load rebalancing problem
G Aggarwal, R Motwani, A Zhu
Proceedings of the fifteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and …, 2003
An integrated runtime and compile-time approach for parallelizing structured and block structured applications
G Agrawal, A Sussman, J Saltz
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 6 (7), 747-754, 1995
Discovering highly reliable subgraphs in uncertain graphs
R Jin, L Liu, CC Aggarwal
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2011
The Consensus from the Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) Conference 2017
JT Kuenstner, S Naser, W Chamberlin, T Borody, DY Graham, A McNees, ...
Frontiers in public health 5, 208, 2017
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