Xiaoli Chu
Xiaoli Chu
Professor, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK
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Network slicing based 5G and future mobile networks: Mobility, resource management, and challenges
H Zhang, N Liu, X Chu, K Long, AH Aghvami, VCM Leung
IEEE communications magazine 55 (8), 138-145, 2017
Computation offloading and resource allocation in mixed fog/cloud computing systems with min-max fairness guarantee
J Du, L Zhao, J Feng, X Chu
IEEE Transactions on Communications 66 (4), 1594-1608, 2017
Coexistence of Wi-Fi and heterogeneous small cell networks sharing unlicensed spectrum
H Zhang, X Chu, W Guo, S Wang
IEEE communications magazine 53 (3), 158-164, 2015
Resource allocation in spectrum-sharing OFDMA femtocells with heterogeneous services
H Zhang, C Jiang, NC Beaulieu, X Chu, X Wen, M Tao
IEEE transactions on communications 62 (7), 2366-2377, 2014
Resource allocation for cognitive small cell networks: A cooperative bargaining game theoretic approach
H Zhang, C Jiang, NC Beaulieu, X Chu, X Wang, TQS Quek
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (6), 3481-3493, 2015
Computation offloading and resource allocation in vehicular networks based on dual-side cost minimization
J Du, FR Yu, X Chu, J Feng, G Lu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (2), 1079-1092, 2018
MEC-assisted immersive VR video streaming over terahertz wireless networks: A deep reinforcement learning approach
J Du, FR Yu, G Lu, J Wang, J Jiang, X Chu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (10), 9517-9529, 2020
Cooperative computation offloading and resource allocation for blockchain-enabled mobile-edge computing: A deep reinforcement learning approach
J Feng, FR Yu, Q Pei, X Chu, J Du, L Zhu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (7), 6214-6228, 2019
Mobility management challenges in 3GPP heterogeneous networks
D Lopez-Perez, I Guvenc, X Chu
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (12), 70-78, 2012
Power minimization based resource allocation for interference mitigation in OFDMA femtocell networks
D Lopez-Perez, X Chu, AV Vasilakos, H Claussen
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 32 (2), 333-344, 2013
On the expanded region of picocells in heterogeneous networks
D Lopez-Perez, X Chu, İ Guvenc
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 6 (3), 281-294, 2012
Heterogeneous cellular networks: theory, simulation and deployment
X Chu, D Lopez-Perez, Y Yang, F Gunnarsson
Cambridge University Press, 2013
Distance-constrained resource-sharing criteria for device-to-device communications underlaying cellular networks
H Wang, X Chu
Electronics letters 48 (9), 528-530, 2012
Energy-efficient uplink resource allocation in LTE networks with M2M/H2H co-existence under statistical QoS guarantees
A Aijaz, M Tshangini, MR Nakhai, X Chu, AH Aghvami
IEEE Transactions on Communications 62 (7), 2353-2365, 2014
Resource pricing and allocation in MEC enabled blockchain systems: An A3C deep reinforcement learning approach
J Du, W Cheng, G Lu, H Cao, X Chu, Z Zhang, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 9 (1), 33-44, 2021
Fog radio access networks: Mobility management, interference mitigation, and resource optimization
H Zhang, Y Qiu, X Chu, K Long, VCM Leung
IEEE Wireless Communications 24 (6), 120-127, 2017
On distributed and coordinated resource allocation for interference mitigation in self-organizing LTE networks
D López-Pérez, X Chu, AV Vasilakos, H Claussen
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 21 (4), 1145-1158, 2012
An integrated architecture for software defined and virtualized radio access networks with fog computing
K Liang, L Zhao, X Chu, HH Chen
IEEE Network 31 (1), 80-87, 2017
Seamless handover in software-defined satellite networking
B Yang, Y Wu, X Chu, G Song
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (9), 1768-1771, 2016
The effect of NBI on UWB time-hopping systems
X Chu, RD Murch
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3 (5), 1431-1436, 2004
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