Patrick D. Anderson
Patrick D. Anderson
Professor of Polymer Technology
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Artificial cilia for active micro-fluidic mixing
J den Toonder, F Bos, D Broer, L Filippini, M Gillies, J de Goede, T Mol, ...
Lab on a Chip 8 (4), 533-541, 2008
Divine war in the Old Testament and in the ancient Near East
SM Kang
W. de Gruyter, 1989
Comparison of various fluid–structure interaction methods for deformable bodies
R van Loon, PD Anderson, FN van de Vosse, SJ Sherwin
Computers & structures 85 (11-14), 833-843, 2007
A fluid–structure interaction method with solid-rigid contact for heart valve dynamics
R Van Loon, PD Anderson, FN Van De Vosse
Journal of computational physics 217 (2), 806-823, 2006
On the performance of static mixers: A quantitative comparison
HEH Meijer, MK Singh, PD Anderson
Progress in Polymer Science 37 (10), 1333-1349, 2012
Numerical investigation of the effect of insoluble surfactants on drop deformation and breakup in simple shear flow
IB Bazhlekov, PD Anderson, HEH Meijer
Journal of colloid and interface science 298 (1), 369-394, 2006
A combined fictitious domain/adaptive meshing method for fluid–structure interaction in heart valves
R Van Loon, PD Anderson, J De Hart, FPT Baaijens
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 46 (5), 533-544, 2004
Active micromixer based on artificial cilia
VV Khatavkar, PD Anderson, JMJ den Toonder, HEH Meijer
Physics of Fluids 19 (8), 2007
Chaotic mixing induced by a magnetic chain in a rotating magnetic field
TG Kang, MA Hulsen, PD Anderson, JMJ den Toonder, HEH Meijer
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (6 …, 2007
Capillary spreading of a droplet in the partially wetting regime using a diffuse-interface model
VV Khatavkar, PD Anderson, HEH Meijer
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 572, 367-387, 2007
Boundary-integral method for drop deformation between parallel plates
PJA Janssen, PD Anderson
Physics of Fluids 19 (4), 2007
Passive and active mixing in microfluidic devices
HEH Meijer, MK Singh, TG Kang, JM Den Toonder, PD Anderson
Macromolecular symposia 279 (1), 201-209, 2009
Analyzing mixing in periodic flows by distribution matrices: mapping method
PGM Kruijt, OS Galaktionov, PD Anderson, GWM Peters, HEH Meijer
AIChE Journal 47 (5), 1005-1015, 2001
Nonsingular boundary integral method for deformable drops in viscous flows
IB Bazhlekov, PD Anderson, HEH Meijer
Physics of Fluids 16 (4), 1064-1081, 2004
Nature-inspired microfluidic propulsion using magnetic actuation
SN Khaderi, M Baltussen, PD Anderson, D Ioan, JMJ Den Toonder, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (4 …, 2009
Understanding and optimizing the SMX static mixer
MK Singh, PD Anderson, HEH Meijer
Macromolecular rapid communications 30 (4‐5), 362-376, 2009
Diffuse-interface modelling of droplet impact
VV Khatavkar, PD Anderson, PC Duineveld, HEH Meijer
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 581, 97-127, 2007
Chaotic mixing using periodic and aperiodic sequences of mixing protocols in a micromixer
TG Kang, MK Singh, TH Kwon, PD Anderson
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 4, 589-599, 2008
Analysis and optimization of Kenics static mixers
OS Galaktionov, PD Anderson, GWM Peters, HEH Meijer
International Polymer Processing 18 (2), 138-150, 2003
Microfluidic magnetic mixing at low Reynolds numbers and in stagnant fluids
ES Shanko, Y van de Burgt, PD Anderson, JMJ den Toonder
Micromachines 10 (11), 731, 2019
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