Priyanka Chowdhury
Priyanka Chowdhury
Basirhat College
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Fine-grained lower limit of entropic uncertainty in the presence of quantum memory
T Pramanik, P Chowdhury, AS Majumdar
Physical review letters 110 (2), 020402, 2013
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering using quantum correlations in non-Gaussian entangled states
P Chowdhury, T Pramanik, AS Majumdar, GS Agarwal
Physical Review A 89 (1), 012104, 2014
Nonlocal continuous-variable correlations and violation of Bell's inequality for light beams with topological singularities
P Chowdhury, AS Majumdar, GS Agarwal
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 013830, 2013
Routine sterile glove and instrument change at the time of abdominal wound closure to prevent surgical site infection (ChEETAh): a pragmatic, cluster-randomised trial in seven …
AB Andoh, AA Francis, AA Abdulkarim, AO Adesunkanmi, AA Salako, ...
The Lancet 400 (10365), 1767-1776, 2022
Stronger steerability criterion for more uncertain continuous-variable systems
P Chowdhury, T Pramanik, AS Majumdar
Physical Review A 92 (4), 042317, 2015
Strong quantum violation of the gravitational weak equivalence principle by a non-Gaussian wave packet
P Chowdhury, D Home, AS Majumdar, SV Mousavi, MR Mozaffari, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 29 (2), 025010, 2011
Intercropping short-duration summer crops with ginger in Darjeeling hills.
PC Chowdhury
Low cardiac output syndrome following pericardiostomy and pericardiectomy for massive pericardial effusion and chronic constrictive pericarditis: myths and realities at 100 years
UK Chowdhury, LK Sankhyan, V Malik, N George, V Gudala, ...
Int J Clin Case Stud Rep 2 (1), 46-60, 2019
Radical pericardiectomy via left anterolateral thoracotomy (UKC’s modification): a video presentation
UK Chowdhury, N George, LK Sankhyan, S Singh, A Chauhan, A Gupta, ...
Int Med 1 (4), 246, 2019
Comparative study of fruiting body production of some oyster mushroom in two different temperatures.
N Das, S Mishra, P Chowdhury, T Roy, S Alam
Routine sterile glove and instrument change at the time of abdominal wound closure to prevent surgical site infection (ChEETAh): a model-based cost-effectiveness analysis of a …
M Kachapila, R Oppong, AO Ademuyiwa, A Bhangu, R Dauda, DN Ghosh, ...
The Lancet Global Health 12 (2), e235-e242, 2024
Efficacy of isometric exercise full knee extension horizontally (FKEH)–a new and simple maneuver to predict early onset of hypertension
R Pandit, PR Chowdhury, T Pramanik, S Singh
Nepal Med Coll J 15 (1), 68-70, 2013
Intercropping soybean with pre-kharif maize in the rainy season and feasibility of rabi crop in winter on rainfed subtemperature region in the hills of West Bengal
PC Chowdhury, R Bose
Indian Agric 27 (3), 229-239, 1983
Repair of post-infarction multiple anterior muscular ventricular septal defects by endocardial Dacron patch and left ventricular aneurysmectomy: a video presentation
UK Chowdhury, N George, S Singh, LK Sankhyan, AS Chauhan, ...
Int Med 2 (1), 2020
Completion extracardiac, non-fenestrated, total cavo-pulmonary connection using a polytetrafluoroethylene conduit: a video presentation
UK Chowdhury, N George, S Singh, AS Chauhan, LK Sankhyan, ...
Int Med 1 (5), 2019
Higher security in one-sided device independent quantum key distribution from more uncertain systems
P Chowdhury, T Pramanik, AS Majumdar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.04697 121, 2015
Effect of irrigation and fertilizer on the yield of mustard (Brassica juncea).
PC Chowdhury, R Bose
Contribution of classical correlation and entanglement in the non-classical teleportation fidelity
P Chowdhury
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.00238, 2022
Correction to Lancet Respir Med 2021; 9: 1275–87 (The Lancet Respiratory Medicine (2021) 9 (11)(1275–1287),(S2213260021003830),(10.1016/S2213-2600 (21) 00383-0))
RA Evans, H McAuley, A Shikotra, A Singapuri, M Sereno, O Elneima, ...
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 10 (1), e9-e9, 2021
Science Repository
D Chowdhury, S Singh, N George, LK Sankhyan, V Gudala, A Chauhan, ...
management 1, 24, 2019
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