Shiladitya Mal
Shiladitya Mal
Associate Professor, Centre for Quantum Science & Technology, Chennai Institute of Technology
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Fast charging of quantum battery assisted by noise
S Ghosh, T Chanda, S Mal, AS De
Phys. Rev. A 104, 032207 104 (3), 032207, 2021
Sharing of nonlocality of a single member of an entangled pair of qubits is not possible by more than two unbiased observers on the other wing
S Mal, AS Majumdar, D Home
Mathematics 4 (3), 48, 2016
Witnessing entanglement sequentially: Maximally entangled states are not special
A Bera, S Mal, AS De, U Sen
Phys. Rev. A 98, 062304 98 (6), 0623404, 2018
Steering a single system sequentially by multiple observers
S Sasmal, D Das, S Mal, AS Majumdar
Physical Review A 98 (1), 012305, 2018
Facets of bipartite nonlocality sharing by multiple observers via sequential measurements
D Das, A Ghosal, S Sasmal, S Mal, AS Majumdar
Physical Review A 99 (2), 022305, 2019
Wigner's form of the Leggett-Garg inequality, the no-signaling-in-time condition, and unsharp measurements
D Saha, S Mal, PK Panigrahi, D Home
Physical Review A 91 (3), 032117, 2015
Nonclassicality of the harmonic-oscillator coherent state persisting up to the macroscopic domain
S Bose, D Home, S Mal
Physical review letters 120 (21), 210402, 2018
Lower bound of quantum uncertainty from extractable classical information
T Pramanik, S Mal, AS Majumdar
Quantum Information Processing 15, 981-999, 2016
Detecting mixedness of qutrit systems using the uncertainty relation
S Mal, T Pramanik, AS Majumdar
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 012105, 2013
Recycling the resource: Sequential usage of shared state in quantum teleportation with weak measurements
S Roy, A Bera, S Mal, AS De, U Sen
Physics Letters A 392, 127143, 2021
Sequential measurement-device-independent entanglement detection by multiple observers
C Srivastava, S Mal, A Sen, U Sen
Physical Review A 103 (3), 032408, 2021
Quantum mechanical violation of macrorealism for large spin and its robustness against coarse-grained measurements
S Mal, D Das, D Home
Physical Review A 94 (6), 062117, 2016
Optimal violation of the Leggett–Garg inequality for arbitrary spin and emergence of classicality through unsharp measurements
S Mal, AS Majumdar
Physics Letters A 380 (29-30), 2265-2270, 2016
Constructive Feedback of Non-Markovianity on Resources in Random Quantum States
R Gupta, S Gupta, S Mal, AS De
Phys. Rev. A 105, 012424, 2022
Self-testing of binary Pauli measurements requiring neither entanglement nor any dimensional restriction
AG Maity, S Mal, C Jebarathinam, AS Majumdar
Physical Review A 103 (6), 062604, 2021
Robustness of higher-dimensional nonlocality against dual noise and sequential measurements
S Roy, A Kumari, S Mal, A Sen
Physical Review A 109 (6), 062227, 2024
Canonical Leggett-Garg inequality: Nonclassicality of temporal quantum correlations under energy constraint
T Chanda, T Das, S Mal, A Sen, U Sen
Physical Review A 98 (2), 022138, 2018
Quantum correlations on the no-signaling boundary: self-testing and more
KS Chen, GNM Tabia, C Jebarathinam, S Mal, JY Wu, YC Liang
Quantum 7, 1054, 2023
Characterizing the boundary of the set of absolutely separable states and their generation via noisy environments
S Halder, S Mal, A Sen
Physical Review A 103 (5), 052431, 2021
Spreading nonlocality in a quantum network
R Banerjee, S Ghosh, S Mal, A Sen
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043355, 2020
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